Vanadium(V) oxide - Wikipedia
Vanadium (V) oxide (vanadia) is the inorganic compound with the formula V 2 O 5. Commonly known as vanadium pentoxide, it is a dark yellow solid, although when freshly precipitated from aqueous solution, its colour is deep orange. Because of its high oxidation state, it is both an amphoteric oxide and an oxidizing agent.
五氧化二钒 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
五氧化二钒, IUPAC名称 为 氧化钒 (V),是 钒 (V)的 氧化物, 化学式 为V 2 O 5。 它是一种有毒的橙黄色固体,微溶于水,加热时失去氧而分解。 可作 化学工业 中的 催化剂,最重要的是对 硫酸工业 中 二氧化硫 转化为 三氧化硫 一步的催化。 五氧化二钒中的钒(+5)为最高 氧化态,具有 两性 和 氧化性。 五氧化二钒具有两性,可溶于 碱 生成多聚 钒酸盐, [1] 也可溶于非还原性 酸 生成淡黄色含VO 2+ 的溶液: 与碱如 氢氧化钠 反应,碱过量时产物为无色的 钒酸钠 (Na 3 VO …
Vanadium pentoxide | V2O5 | CID 14814 - PubChem
V2O5 is used to lower the melting point of enamel frits for the coating of aluminum substrates. FeV and VAl master alloys are preferably produced from V2O5 fused flakes due to the low loss on ignition, low sulfur and dust contents, and high density of the molten oxide compared
mp-25279: V2O5 (orthorhombic, Pmmn, 59) - Materials Project
Browse many computed properties for this orthorhombic V2O5 compound, including formation energy from the elements, energy of decomposition into the set of most stable materials at this chemical composition, bulk crystalline density, and band gap.
mp-624689: V2O5 (orthorhombic, Pmmn, 59)
V2O5 crystallizes in the orthorhombic Pmmn space group. The structure is two-dimensional and consists of one V2O5 sheet oriented in the (0, 1, 0) direction. V5+ is bonded to six O2- atoms to form a mixture of corner and edge-sharing VO6 octahedra. The …
Vanadium Pentoxide (V2O5): Their Obtaining Methods and Wide ...
2021年3月16日 · V 2 O 5 obtained from hydrothermal synthesis is a powder solid and generally use a salt of metavanadate. The V 2 O 5 power presents an orthorhombic oxide α-V 2 O 5 that exhibits a layered structure made of edge and corner sharing [VO 5 ] double chains [ 19 ].
Vanadium (V) oxide - Wikiwand
Vanadium (V) oxide (vanadia) is the inorganic compound with the formula V 2 O 5. Commonly known as vanadium pentoxide, it is a dark yellow solid, although when freshly precipitated from aqueous solution, its colour is deep orange. Because of its high oxidation state, it is both an amphoteric oxide and an oxidizing agent.
Vanadium(V)_oxide - chemeurope.com
Vanadium (V) oxide (vanadia) is the chemical compound with the formula V 2 O 5. Commonly known as vanadium pentoxide, this orange solid is the most important [citation needed] compound of vanadium. Upon heating it reversibly loses oxygen.
Vanadium Oxide - V2O5 - ChemTube3D
The structure of Vanadium Oxide consists of linked VO 5 square base pyramidal units. How useful was this page? Click on a star to rate it! Average rating 4.8 / 5. Vote count: 16.
Direct Reduction of Solid V2O5 with Hydrogen at 600–1400 °C
2024年10月3日 · This study examines the potential of hydrogen reduction of V2O5 powder as a method for obtaining metallic vanadium with zero carbon emissions. To this end, the samples are reduced under a range of ex...
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