简介 | Uniswap V3 Book 中文版 - y1cunhui
在这里,我们将会共同搭建最有趣、最重要的应用之一,堪称当今 DeFi 基石的项目——Uniswap V3! 这本书将会引领你开发一个这样的去中心化的应用,包括以下内容:
Uniswap V3 | Uniswap V3 Book 中文版 - y1cunhui
简单地来说,一个 Uniswap V3 的交易对由许多个 Uniswap V2 的交易对构成。 V2 与 V3 的区别是,在 V3 中,一个交易对有许多的价格区间,而每个价格区间内都有一定数量的资产。
Compound V3 Book by RareSkills
The RareSkills Compound V3 book is a line-by-line examination of the Compound V3 protocol. We explain the tokenomics, architecture, and the code in great detail — down to the number of decimals certain variables have.
计算流动性 | Uniswap V3 Book 中文版 - y1cunhui
价格区间计算 # 回忆一下上一章所讲,在 Uniswap V3 中,整个价格区间被划分成了 ticks:每个 tick 对应一个价格,以及有一个下标。 在我们的第一个实现中,我们的现货价格设置为 1 ETH 对 5000 USDC。
Uniswap V3 Development Book
This book will guide you through the development of a decentralized application, including: smart-contract development (in Solidity ); contracts testing and deployment (using Forge and Anvil from Foundry );
Uniswap V3 白皮书 | 登链社区 | 区块链技术社区
2022年9月24日 · Uniswap V3 白皮书 1. 简介 Uniswap v3 是为以太坊虚拟机实施的⾮托管⾃动化做市商。与早期版本的协议相⽐,Uniswap v3 为流动性提供者提供了更⾼的资本效率和微调控制,提⾼了价格预⾔机的准确性和便利性,并具有更灵活的费⽤结构。
Introduction - The Kubebuilder Book
Check the legacy documentation for v1, v2 or v3. Who is this for Users of Kubernetes. Users of Kubernetes will develop a deeper understanding of Kubernetes through learning the fundamental concepts behind how APIs are designed and implemented.
Introduction - Uniswap
The most complete source of information on the Uniswap protocol is the Uniswap V3 book. Besides the concepts section of the Docs, the Uniswap V3 whitepaper is a great introduction to the protocol. If you haven't checked it out yet, it is probably more concise and easier to understand than you would expect.
Introduction - Uniswap V3 Development Book
A book that teaches how to build a clone of Uniswap V3 in Solidity from scratch.
First Swap - Uniswap V3 Development Book
A book that teaches how to build a clone of Uniswap V3 in Solidity from scratch.
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