V-3 cannon - Wikipedia
'Vengeance Weapon 3') was a German World War II large-caliber gun working on the multi-charge principle whereby secondary propellant charges are fired to add velocity to a projectile. Two full-size guns were built in the underground Fortress of Mimoyecques in northern France and permanently aimed at London, but they were rendered unusable by ...
Fortress of Mimoyecques - Wikipedia
It was constructed by a mostly German workforce recruited from major engineering and mining concerns, augmented by prisoner-of-war slave labour. The complex consists of a network of tunnels dug under a chalk hill, linked to five inclined shafts in which 25 V-3 guns would have been installed, all aimed at London.
V-weapons - Wikipedia
V-weapons, known in original German as Vergeltungswaffen (German pronunciation: [fɐˈgɛltʊŋsˌvafṇ], German: "retaliatory weapons", "reprisal weapons"), were a particular set of long-range artillery weapons designed for strategic bombing during World War II, particularly strategic bombing and aerial bombing of cities.
报复武器 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
v-1正在被推出. 自1943年10月起,纳粹德国开始在法国北部加来至勒阿弗尔沿岸修建v-1飞弹发射场。 尽管盟军空军持续空袭这些设施,但收效有限,至1944年6月诺曼底登陆前夕,这些发射基地已具备实战能力 [20] 。 为应对6月6日盟军在诺曼底登陆带来的军事压力,德军于1944年6月13日凌晨对伦敦发动首次 ...
V3火炮 - 百度百科
v3火炮(v-3炮)是德国在希特勒领导下制造的一门大炮,它被建设在山坡上,总重1433吨,必须由500个人共同合作才可以正常使用。 是德国在二战战败之前的复仇武器系列之一,相对于火箭引擎推进的V-1导弹和V2火箭,V-3炮是使用火药推进的长距离投射兵器。
Hitler Hoped to Destroy London With His V3 Supergun - HistoryNet
2020年11月5日 · Less known is the V3—which the Nazis also called the “London Cannon”—a massive, multi-charge gun designed to shoot a 215-pound shell nearly 100 miles. Adolf Hitler hoped it would blast the British capital to smithereens.
V3 - History Learning Site
2015年4月21日 · The V3 was the natural development from the V1 and V2 weapons that had terrorised London in 1944 – a weapon for revenge (‘Vergeltungswaffen’). The V3 was never fired at London though it was used in a very minor way in the Battle of the Bulge.
The Secret Nazi V-3 Super Gun – By Robby Houben - WAR …
2015年10月14日 · In northern France, two batteries of these guns were being build in the heavily fortified area of Calais with the intention to bombard London. Although the gunsites were close to completion, they were destroyed by allied bombing raids before they could fire their first shot.
V-3 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The V-3 Hochdruckpumpe (aka HDP, 'Fleissiges Lieschen'; 'Tausend Fussler') was a supergun designed by Saar Roechling during World War II. The 140 m long cannon was capable of delivering a 140 kg shell over a 165 km range.
Pas De Calais - V3 Cannon Mimoyecques - Blogger
2019年3月24日 · The V3 Cannon was a multi-charge gun which was developed to fire hundreds of 140 kg (300 pound) projectiles per hour up to a range of 165 km (103 miles). The design was based upon plans captured from the French in 1940. In 1918, the German Army began bombardment of Paris using a 230mm Krupp Rail Gun which had a range of 130 km (81 miles).