Volvo V40 (2012–2019) - Wikipedia
The Cross Country is a version of the Volvo V40 with protective body panels, bigger wheels and tyres along with an increased ride height. Its T4 and T5 petrol variants feature Haldex Gen-5 All Wheel Drive as an option, along with hill descent control .
Volvo V40 Cross Country (2013-2019) review - Auto Express
2017年4月5日 · The Volvo V40 Cross Country follows in the footsteps of a number of other Volvo models by adding off road-style bodywork additions to the standard V40. This tradition began with the V70 XC that...
Specs for all Volvo V40 Cross Country versions - Ultimate Specs
Choose a Volvo V40 Cross Country version from the list below to get information about engine specs, horsepower, CO2 emissions, fuel consumption, dimensions, tires size, weight and many other facts. Notice also the plus sign to access the comparator tool where you can compare up to 3 cars at once side by side.
--跨界新星-- Volvo V40 Cross Country D4旗艦版 亮眼分享
2014年12月12日 · 本次要分享的主角是近來相當受到注目的Volvo V40 Cross Country(以下簡稱V40 CC)系出同門,由V40衍伸而來,帥氣獨特的外型、嶄新概念的設計、跨界領域的融合看到實車後讓人眼睛為之一亮,年輕、運動化的取向,讓人等不及想試試能耐、一探究竟託朋友的福,小 …
VOLVO V40 Cross Country 2016 - 2019 - autoevolution
In 2016, Volvo released the upgraded version of the V40 Cross Country. While the styling was improved to give the car a bolder, rugged look and a 4x4 look, it is disappointing to say that an...
Volvo V40 Cross Country review: Hands-on - T3
2013年9月26日 · Volvo V40 Cross Country: Verdict. The Cross Country moniker no-doubt originates from Volvo's desire for this new and improved V40 to be the adventurer's SUV-style car of choice.
AWD就對了! Volvo V40 Cross Country T4試駕 - CARLINK鏈車網
2017年3月30日 · V40 Cross Country T4採用與T5相同的1969c.c.直列四缸汽油渦輪引擎,最大馬力190hp/5000rpm、最大扭力32.6kgm/1500-4000rpm,搭配同為新世代的Geartronic八速手自排變速箱,攜手AWD全時四驅系統後,在加速表現依舊帶勁的前提下,有著更加平穩、安全的操控風格。
如何评价VOLVO V40 CROSS COUNTRY T5这辆车(沃尔沃 ... - 知乎
如何评价volvo v40 cross country t5这辆车(沃尔沃v40cc t5)? 瀚德第五代全时四驱系统,沃德十佳发动机,245匹,350牛米,百公里加速6秒,可以官方刷北极星,扭矩达到400牛米,车内全环保材料,比利时制造全进口,…
Volvo V40 Cross Country 2019款最新最全的規格配備介紹 - 8891 …
8891汽車爲您提供 Volvo V40 Cross Country最新規格表。 涵蓋車身尺碼、車身形式、動力形式、油耗、配備等資訊,幫助您全方位瞭解車款信息。 找汽車 買新車 購車菜單 最新成交價
一路本色向前 沃尔沃2017款V40和V40 Cross Country越界车 深港 …
在2016年第二十届深港澳国际车展上,沃尔沃汽车中国宣布2017款V40和V40 Cross Country越界车(以下简称V40CC)共3种动力配置6款车型闪耀上市。 2017款V40/V40CC凭借90系同源的北欧魅力设计、智慧科技、顶级安全及纯进口车品质,为拒绝标签、坚持本色、勇于表达的年轻 ...