High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of V4641 Sgr during its 2020 …
2022年8月2日 · We observed the Galactic black hole X-ray binary V4641 Sgr with the high resolution transmission gratings on Chandra during the source's 2020 outburst. Over two epochs of Chandra gratings observations, we see numerous highly ionized metal lines, superimposed on a hot, disc-dominated X-ray continuum.
Ultra-high-energy gamma-ray bubble around microquasar V4641 …
2024年10月16日 · Here we report TeV gamma-ray emission from V4641 Sgr that reveals particle acceleration at similar distances from the black hole as SS 433. Furthermore, the gamma-ray spectrum of V4641 Sgr is...
[1401.4190] The Black Hole Binary V4641 Sagitarii: Activity in ...
2014年1月16日 · We analyze passive colors and spectroscopy of V4641 Sgr and show that they are consistent with a reddened B9III star (with E (B-V) = 0.37 +/- 0.19) with little or no contribution from the accretion disk. We use X-ray observations with an updated ephemeris to place an upper limit on the duration of an X-ray eclipse of <8.3 deg in phase (~1.6 hours).
V4641 Sgr - u-strasbg.fr
2025年1月20日 · V* V4641 Sgr -- High Mass X-ray Binary The astronomical object called V* V4641 Sgr is a High Mass X-ray Binary: Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref" (acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or ...
Ultra-High-Energy Gamma-Ray Bubble around Microquasar V4641 …
2024年10月21日 · Here we report TeV gamma-ray emission from another microquasar, V4641~Sgr, which reveals particle acceleration at similar distances from the black hole as SS~433. Additionally, the gamma-ray spectrum of V4641 is among the hardest TeV spectra observed from any known gamma-ray source and is detected up to 200 TeV.
微类星体V4641 Sgr周围的超高能伽玛射线泡研究 - 科学网
2024年10月16日 · V4641射手座(V4641Sgr)是一个类似的双星系统,包含一个黑洞和一颗B型主序伴星,轨道周期为2.8天。 该系统以其超爱丁顿吸积和射电喷流而著称,其喷流是银河系中最快的超光速喷流之一。 以往对V4641Sgr的观测中并未报告伽马射线辐射。 本文报道了V4641Sgr发出的万亿电子伏特(TeV)伽马射线,揭示了与SS433类似的、距黑洞相当远处的粒子加速现象。 此外,V4641Sgr的伽马射线能谱是已知伽马射线源中观测到的最硬的TeV能谱之一,且其探测 …
During the first»900 s of the first PCA observation, V4641 Sgr showed very strong X-ray fluctuations by a factor of 4 on timescales of seconds to about 500 on timescales of minutes. The spectrum of the source during this flaring episode became harder …
Detection of the V4641 Sgr in multi-TeV with HAWC - ADS
With more data and better reconstruction algorithms, a new gamma-ray source spatially consistent with X-binary V4641 Sgr. has been detected in the newly released High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory data set.
High resolution X-ray spectroscopy of V4641 Sgr during its 2020 ...
2022年8月6日 · We observed the Galactic black hole X-ray binary V4641 Sgr with the high resolution transmission gratings on Chandra during the source’s 2020 outburst. Over two epochs of Chandra gratings observations, we see numerous highly ionized metal lines, superimposed on a hot, disc-dominated X-ray continuum.
Ultra-high-energy gamma-ray bubble around microquasar V4641 …
2024年10月17日 · Here we report TeV gamma-ray emission from V4641 Sgr that reveals particle acceleration at similar distances from the black hole as SS 433. Furthermore, the gamma-ray spectrum of V4641 Sgr is among the hardest TeV spectra observed from any known gamma-ray source and is detected above 200 TeV.