New amp-project; E83F / 807 - diyAudio
2019年9月20日 · For the E83F a voltage divider would probably do the trick, it will keep the voltage within a few volts, but the 807 might need VR tubes to avoid burning to much power through a voltage divider. These tubes are still cheap and it is interesting to dive deeper into Vg2 issues in the circuit.
Siemens E83f - diyAudio
2004年3月7日 · The E83F can be used as a Constant Current Sink instead of a cathode resistor in an output stage. Great bebefit and improvement of sound. It´s a fine replacement for a EF184 and does not take as much screengrid current as the EF184 does.
HIFIDIY论坛-E83F 电子管 有应用电路图吗 - Powered by Discuz!
2017年3月11日 · 以前实做过,五极管+6528推监听箱,试过很多冷门五极管,e83f真的是白开水,有两个欧洲型号的五极管不错,比较甜美, 回复 支持 反对 举报
一步步教你安装Aspen v7.2 - 百度文库
改成下面这个数据库就行了。当然这种方法有缺陷,就是企业数据库不能用。那我们用第二种方法可 以完美解决。 第二种方法: 程序——AspenTech——Process Modeling V7.2——Aspen Properties——Aspen Properties Datebase Configuration Tester
Which pentode for input? - diyAudio
2010年8月29日 · If the E83F is anything like the EF83 then it is variable-mu so will give you lots of second-order distortion with anything other than a very small input. A pentode is likely to give you too much gain. If you reduce the load resistor to reduce …
V7.0 and V7.2 on the same OS? (Computer) - 134902 - Industry …
2015年9月29日 · you can not install different version of WinCC (V7.0 and V7.2) in the same operating system. You can install two diffrent operating system as multi-boot on the same PC, and install WinCC V7.0 in the first and WinCC V7.2 in a second. Or you use virtual machines.
WinCC V7.2 Standard中文版下载 - 学自动化
2018年10月24日 · WinCC V7.2 支持与 SIMATIC 控制器 S7-1200 和 S7-1500 进行通信。 新增的“SIMATIC S7-1200, S7-1500 Channel”通道用于 WinCC 站与 S7-1200 或 S7-1500 自动化系统之间的通信。 使用 TCP/IP 协议进行通信。 WinCC V7.2 支持的数据类型
18042, Tube 18042; Röhre 18042 ID19523, Vacuum Pentode
Tube 18042 or Röhre 18042 ID19523, Vacuum Pentode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
Product Details - Industry Mall - Siemens WW
2025年2月1日 · SIMATIC WinCC RT Client upgrade from V7.0 to V7.2, for WinCC RT Clients without RT 128, runtime software, single license, software and license key download - - consignee email address required for delivery
E83F PHILIPS 2本1組 - amtrans.jp
2021年4月21日 · 電圧増幅管 【中古】状態:美品 オランダ製 白箱 一年間保証 弊社にて検査済
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