VAX-11 - Wikipedia
Introduced in April 1982, the VAX-11/730, code-named "Nebula", is a still-more-compact, still-lower-performance bit slice implementation of the VAX architecture using AMD Am2900 chips for the CPU.
VAX-11/730 - Computer History Wiki - gunkies.org
The VAX-11/730 was the third VAX introduced, and the slowest implementation of the VAX architecture to have been made. By way of extensive microcoding of the large architecture, the CPU was shrunk to three hex boards.
The VAX-11/730 System 1 and 2 is available in two standard configurations that provide a choice of two disk drives for the system drive. System 1 - Contains two RL02 removable-media disk drive units, one for the user disk and one for the system drive.
DEC VAX 11/730 - ricomputermuseum.org
The VAX 11/730, code-named "Nebula", was introduced in April of 1982. It is a bit slice implementation of the VAX architecture, uses an 8085 for a boot processor. It runs at about 3.70 MHz, which yields about 0.3 VUPs (about 0.3 MIPS), or about 1/3 of the performance of the original VAX 11/780. The I/O is Unibus.
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DEC VAX-11 Systems
Like the other family members, the VAX-I 1/730 implements the VAX architecture and runs the V AX/ VMS operating system and layered software. The V AX-II /730 can also be used as a powerful, remote DECnet data communications node, allowing its users access to higher performance members of the VAX family, when necessary.
dec :: vax :: 730 :: EK-KA730-TD-001 VAX-11 730 CPU Technical ...
2015年1月24日 · Do you wish to download and view it? From the bitsavers.org collection, a scanned-in computer-related document.
调度局VAX—11/730计算机简介 - 百度学术
VAX系列计算机是当前世界小型计算机市场中的佼佼者.自美国DEC公司在1977年推出VAX—11/780以来,不断推出新机种:VAX—11系列的730,750,782,785;超级微机micro VAX—Ⅰ,micro VAX—Ⅱ;高中档的VAX8650,VAX8800,VAX8200,VAX8300等等.这些品目繁多的VAX系列机既向大型化发展又向微型化 ...
a few vax 11/730 tu58 tape images - Massachusetts Institute of …
2004年4月9日 · Those who prefer the original UNIX to Linux can save the effort and use the standard arff (8) console media manipulation utility that comes standard with all VAX UNIX distributions. You don't need to actually run UNIX on the large VAX in order to use it, it'll happily run on a MicroVAX running 4.3BSD-Quasijarus and operate on an image file.
VAX-11/730 (was RE: Unresistable pond comment)
2000年7月17日 · VAX for product development. It was how we discovered that its internal slots are not wired the same as a DD-11DK backplane - the original Unibus COMBOARD (R), commonly called the COMBOARD I, does not work in the CPU backplane of an 11/730 or anything identical to it (there are a couple of CPUs with
VAX-11/730 | 102621964 - CHM
Description Object is a VAX-11/730 display unit. Attached to the front of the object is an label describing the history of the VAX-11/730. Both side panels are clear plastic with labels for each individual components. There is an introduction poster for …