VAX-11 - Wikipedia
VAX-11/750. The VAX-11/750, code-named "Comet", is a more compact, lower-performance bipolar gate array–based implementation of the VAX architecture introduced in October 1980. …
DEC VAX-11/750 (computer) - Wikiversity
2023年4月30日 · The Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX-11/750 is a superminicomputer that was introduced in 1980. A number of computer history enthusiasts have collected, …
VAX - Wikipedia
VAX (an acronym for virtual address extension) is a series of computers featuring a 32-bit instruction set architecture (ISA) and virtual memory that was developed and sold by Digital …
从DEC到Intel:70年代的小型机和微型机 - 阿里云开发者 ...
2020年9月15日 · VAX-11延续了许多PDP-11的设计,例如UNIBUS、Cache,也有为性能增加的额外的浮点单元和预译码技术。 作为CISC的一员,VAX-11使得程序员可以根据自己的直接需要 …
List of VAX computers - Wikipedia
Between 1977 and 2000, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) produced a wide range of computer systems under the VAX brand, all based on various implementations of the DEC …
VAX-11/750 - Computer History Wiki - gunkies.org
The VAX-11/750 (also known as the VAX/750) is a slower, more compact, but less expensive successor to the initial VAX-11/780. It was primarily implemented in gate array chips holding …
Description and Performance of a VAX 11/750 - IEEE Xplore
Abstract: A data acquisition and analysis facility based on a VAX 11/750 computer interfaced to a CAMAC crate via a MBD-11 Branch Driver is described. Factors influencing the choice of the …
VAX-11/750 minicomputer | 102733400 - CHM
This record contains one VAX 11/750 computer system. It is a short and small chassi. The front and back have glass doors that have labels on them, such as "TU-58 tape controller," …
VAX-11/750 | 102756719 - CHM
Internal and external shots of the VAX-11/750, with and without models. Photos include shots of the VAX-11/750 in production, thermal and power supply testing, and a hand inserting a …
The VAX-11/750 Software Installation Guide presents step-by-step procedures for installing software on a VAX-11/750 processor. VAX-11/750 software installation falls into three general …