VAX-11 - Wikipedia
VAX-11/750. The VAX-11/750, code-named "Comet", is a more compact, lower-performance bipolar gate array–based implementation of the VAX architecture introduced in October 1980. …
DEC VAX-11/750 (computer) - Wikiversity
Apr 30, 2023 · The Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) VAX-11/750 is a superminicomputer that was introduced in 1980. A number of computer history enthusiasts have collected, restored, …
VAX - Wikipedia
VAX (an acronym for virtual address extension) is a series of computers featuring a 32-bit instruction set architecture (ISA) and virtual memory that was developed and sold by Digital …
List of VAX computers - Wikipedia
Between 1977 and 2000, Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) produced a wide range of computer systems under the VAX brand, all based on various implementations of the DEC …
VAX 11/750 計算機|國家文化記憶庫 2.0 - memory.culture.tw
VAX-11 / 750(代號為「Comet」彗星)於1980年10月推出,是更緊湊且性能更低的TTL門陣列的VAX體系結構。CPU的循環時間為320 ns(3.125 MHz)。 VAX-11 / 750是Star的增值版本。 …
计算机历史上有没有「中型机」这个分类? - 知乎
IBM的AS400系列服务器就是中型机。 在修改系列标称之后,目前叫做System I。 在IBM,System Z表示 大型机,System P表示 小型机,System X表示PC Server (已经卖给联想)。 本质上,I …
VAX-11/750 - Computer History Wiki - gunkies.org
The VAX-11/750 (also known as the VAX/750) is a slower, more compact, but less expensive successor to the initial VAX-11/780. It was primarily implemented in gate array chips holding …
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DEC VAX-11 Systems
The VAX-II/750 and 11/780 are 32-bit multi-user, multiprogramming systems that feature 4.3 billion bytes of virtual address space, a maximum program size of 2
VAX-11/750 | 102756719 - CHM
Internal and external shots of the VAX-11/750, with and without models. Photos include shots of the VAX-11/750 in production, thermal and power supply testing, and a hand inserting a …
The VAX-11/750 Software Installation Guide presents step-by-step procedures for installing software on a VAX-11/750 processor. VAX-11/750 software installation falls into three general …