VAX-11 - Wikipedia
The VAX-11 is a discontinued family of 32-bit superminicomputers, running the Virtual Address eXtension (VAX) instruction set architecture (ISA), developed and manufactured by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). Development began in 1976.
从DEC到Intel:70年代的小型机和微型机 - 阿里云开发者 ...
Sep 15, 2020 · 1978年,DEC推出了PDP-11的虚拟地址扩展VirtrualAddressExtension计算机VAX-11[17]。VAX-11的地址总线有32位,为了保证市场的平稳过渡,早期的VAX-11计算机使用兼容模式运行16位程序,但是性能上要比新的32位地址程序慢。
VAX - Wikipedia
The name VAX refers to its virtual address extension concept that allowed programs to make use of this newly available memory while still being compatible with unmodified user mode PDP-11 code. The name "VAX-11", used on early models, was chosen to highlight this capability. The VAX ISA is considered a complex instruction set computer (CISC ...
VAX - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
VAX是Virtual Address eXtension的簡稱。 主要因其為 16位 的 PDP-11 擴展版本,及較早應用虛擬內存管理地址空間而命名。 早期的VAX處理器同時可以兼容PDP-11的指令。
DEC’s VAX Superminicomputer Became a Mainstay in Federal …
With VAX, DEC extended its PDP-11 minicomputer architecture from 16 to 32 bits. The first model in the VAX “superminicomputer” line was the VAX-11/780. The line rivaled “much more expensive mainframe computers in performance,” according to the online Computer History Museum .
VAX - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
VAX是Virtual Address eXtension的簡稱。主要因其為16位的PDP-11擴展版本,及較早應用虛擬内存管理地址空間而命名。早期的VAX處理器同時可以兼容PDP-11的指令。甚至事實上有時會被叫做VAX-11,以彰顯其與PDP-11的淵源和兼容性。之後的版本去掉了同PDP-11的兼容模式。
《代码英雄》第四季(1):小型机 —— 旧机器的灵魂 | Linux 中国|linux|大型机|vax…
Mar 23, 2021 · 就在一年前,数字设备公司(Digital Equipment Corporation)(DEC)发布了其 32 位的 VAX 11 780 计算机。 它比市面上的 16 位机器要强大得多。 VAX 的销售迅速地超越了那些步履缓慢的竞争对手。
RISC, 诸神乱斗的时代! - 36氪
vax 11/780 是一台复杂且昂贵的小型计算机。 它被 RISC-I 和 RISC-II(单芯片微处理器设计)击败。 伯克利团队关于 RISC 的论文被广泛传播。
VAX 11/780 Computer – CPU - CHM Revolution
The VAX line of 32-bit “super-minicomputers” rivaled much more expensive mainframe computers. Its success made DEC the second-largest company in the industry. VAX, a “complex instruction set computer,” was widely cloned in Eastern Europe.</p>
In addition, while we have become accus- tomed to single chip microprocessors with mini- mal interfaces to probe their internal operations, the VAX 11/780 CPU spanned about 20 boards. One such board was the microcode store, which directed much of the behavior of the machine.