就涂装车间各阶段缩写的全称是什么?如:CB,VB,TT,PP,SOP,麻烦 …
VB——Verification Build 验证样车制造; TT——Tooling Trial 工装测试; PP——Pilot Production 试生产; SOP——Standard Operation Procedure标准作业流程
蔚来先进制造解读|什么是工程验证造车? - NIO蔚来汽车
vb阶段的工作,有三个核心任务: 优化生产线工艺. 验证车辆功能完整性. 验证整车属性和性能. 优化生产线工艺. cb阶段的验证工作很多在生产线下进行,当所有的工序都配置到试制生产线后,就会显露出一些需要改进的问题。
大众汽车零部件开发常用缩写汇总 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
通常,供应商跟OEM打交道最多的就是FOP了,其次是采购和质保(BTV :质保零件主管)等部门相关人员. FAKOM: Farbkommission颜色委员会。 他们会负责定义车身及内外饰颜色等要求。 IMDS:International Material Data System(国际材料数据系统),是一个第三方进行材料成分认可的机构。 一供件:顾名思义,也就是Tier1直接供货给大众的零件. 二供件:供货给二次件总成供应商的零件。 COP: Carry-Over Parts,沿用零件。 指的是将某项目的零件直接沿用到新车型 …
IPB057N06N-VB www.VBsemi.com R MMJSRRJUTUU. TO-263AB (HIGH VOLTAGE) Notes 1.Dimensioning and tolerancing per ASME Y14.5M-1994. 2.Dimensions are shown in millimeters (inches). 3. Dimension D and E do not include mold flash. Mold flash shal l not exceed 0.127 mm (0.005") per side. These dimensions are measured at the
IPB > vB - The Admin Zone
2009年10月12日 · However, what I've now been considering is to upgrade to vB and then back to IPB 2.3.6 until 3.0.x comes complete with more modifications/skins/templates, etc... On the vB website, there is an ImpEx tool to carry out the conversion and I'm 99% sure there's an IPB tool to convert vB to IPB.
vBulletin vs. IP.Board - Which is Better? - Digital Point
2012年12月11日 · Once you are ready to choose either IPB or VBulletin, take the time to play with the demo's that they have and see which one you prefer. Both of them are great choices, just comes down to preference on your end.
vbulletin vs. Invision (IPB) - vBulletin Community Forum
2003年8月27日 · Just out of curiousity, how does IPB compare with vB2 and vB3? I'm at a point in choosing between the two. From what I understand (from reading many threads), - vB has REALLY good support - vB costs $160USD - IPB has comparable features as vB - IPB is free
IPB77N06S3-09-VB www.VBsemi.com TYPICALCHARACTERISTICS(TA=25°C,unlessotherwisenoted) 3 TC=25°C TC=125°C TC=-55°C C-Capacitance(pF) g fs-Transconductance(S) 150 120 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 90 0 0 60 30 0 4 8 12 16 20 VDS 0 2 4 6 8 10-Drain-to-SourceVoltage(V) VGS OutputCharacteristics-Gate-to-SourceVoltage(V) TransferCharacteristics ...
Surface Mounted on 1" x 1" FR4 board. Calculated based on maximum junction temperature. Package limitation current is 110 A. Max. Pulse test; pulse width ≤ 300 μs, duty cycle ≤ 2 %. Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing. Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device.
VB to IPB Database conversion - Web Design & Development - Neowin
2007年2月28日 · Ok, right ive tried everything i can think of using the IPB converter to get my VB database to convert onto my IPB install, and it wont work, ive tried adding a database password and nothing,...