VBCI infantry tank (2008)
The basic version of the VBCI 2 has a T40 turret, derived from the export version of the VBCI, and a remote-controlled 7.62 mm machine-gun. The turret is also armed with a pair of anti-tank missiles in containers. For export purposes, the vehicle can also be fitted with a remote-controlled 30mm cannon or even the BMP-3 turret.
Weapon systems: RWS 0,5, ARX20, ARX25, one-man 25mm turret, 30mm, 40CTA, to 105mm turret. Mortar, Anti-Tank missiles. Deployed in operations by the French Army in Afghanistan, in Lebanon, in Central African Republic and Mali. VBCI MK2 constitutes the latest evolution of the combat-proven French Infantry Fighting Vehicle.
2019年2月4日 · 法军现役的vbci步兵战车,其最大的特点就是采用了“龙”式单人炮塔。 安装一门25mm机炮和一挺7.62mm并列机枪,这样的火力与其它新型步兵战车的30mm、35mm机炮相比,确实算是比较弱的。
Le VBCI est le choix optimal entre protection, mobilité et charge utile. Des missions de combat à haute intensité aux tâches de maintien de la paix, le VBCI est le système de combat le plus efficace et le plus polyvalent de sa génération. DÉPLOYÉ EN OPÉRATIONS PAR L’ARMÉE FRANÇAISE EN AFGHANISTAN, AU LIBAN, EN CENTRAFRIQUE ET AU MALI.
执着的法兰西轻骑兵-法军轮式战车家族(已更新) - 知乎
欧洲有名的三款战车,瑞士的皮兰哈5(美国斯特赖克的原型),法国的VBCI, 德国的boxer. 这一代战车的特点就是信息化以及车族化. VBCI,A400M,以及单兵的felin系统是当年法军应对未来战争的3个主要装备. VBCI已经是马里作战行动的主力
VBCI-2 (MCT-30) — Fast but Furious | War Thunder Wiki
2025年2月14日 · The VBCI-2 (MCT-30) is the premium variant of the VBCI family of wheeled IFVs, equipped with the 30mm Bushmaster Mk. II in a crewless turret. Despite being armored enough to withstand light autocannons, at least from the front, it is one of the most mobi…
VBCI MK 2 | Knds
VBCI MK2 T40 constitutes the latest evolution of the combat-proven French Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The only native IFV, VBCI has proven itself in numerous combat operations and become the main combat system of the French Army.
VBCI-2 (MCT30) - War Thunder Wiki
The VBCI-2 (MCT30) boasts a formidable array of combat capabilities that place it at the forefront of modern armoured vehicles. Armed with the powerful MCT30 turret, which houses a 30 mm autocannon and supplementary armaments, the VBCI-2 possesses exceptional anti-aircraft and anti-vehicle capabilities.
VBCI轮式步兵战车 - 百度百科
VBCI步兵战车 采用8x8高机动性轮式底盘,机动性好,战场可部署能力强,可以空运、海运、铁路运输和用公路平板车运输。 车体由前至后分别是:驾驶室和动力舱、战斗舱和载员室。 车体前部左侧为驾驶室,这是一个独立的舱室,有隔板和动力舱隔开,又有通道和后部相连通。 驾驶舱盖向右打开,其前方有3具潜望镜,中间的1具可换为夜视镜,驾驶员的坐席可调。 动力舱位于右侧,前部是发动机和变速箱,稍后是水散热器,发动机排气管的布置很巧妙,可降低车辆的红外热特 …
VBCI-2 30mm instead of 40mm - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年6月22日 · On the wikipedia page of the vbci ifv of france it says that the VBCI-2 is an upgraded version of the original VBCI and should have a 40mm cannon. Why does it have a 30mm in the game? Some more pictures from other websites. And just now noticed that turret isn’t modeled right too.
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