VBCI - Wikipedia
The véhicule blindé de combat d'infanterie (English: armoured infantry fighting vehicle) or VBCI is a French Infantry fighting vehicle designed and manufactured by GIAT Industries (now Nexter Systems) and Renault Trucks Defense (now Arquus) to replace the AMX-10P. [4]
VBCI Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2003年3月12日 · The VBCI (vehicule de combat d’infanterie) is a wheeled 8×8 infantry fighting vehicle with modular protection that can be adapted to the threat. Conditional orders have been placed to cover the supply of 700 vehicles to the French Army in two versions.
VBCI裝步戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
VBCI步兵戰車(法語: Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie )為新一代法国轮式步兵战车。 VBCI的车体由 铝合金 制造,外部覆盖特种钢和钛合金模块装甲。 底盘为8x8全驱动结构,具有與 戰車 接近的机动性与通过性。
VBCI infantry tank (2008)
The VBCI is powered by a Renault 500 hp turbo diesel engine derived from the Volvo D12. In order to optimize the behavior on different terrains, the hydropneumatic suspension can be adjusted on the go as well as when stopped. The VBCI also has a centralized tire inflation system which allows the lowering of the tire pressure on soft terrain.
2019年2月4日 · VBCI-2步兵战车是法国Nexter集团研制的新型8×8轮式步兵战车,此次来到保加利亚,是为了争夺198辆新型步兵战车的订单。 视频中,VBCI-2步兵战车可谓不遗余力,充分展示了超强的机动性和高人一筹的火力。
VBCI 8x8 IFV [REVIEW + SPECS] | Defence Database
VBCI engine. VBCI is powered by a 550 hp (410 kW) Renault diesel engine. VBCI operational range and speed. The French Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie has an operational range of 750 km (470 mi) and a maximum speed of 100 km/h (62 mph). VBCI variants. The Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie has main three variants: 1.1.
VBCI Mk 2 IFV KNDS Nexter - Army Recognition
2024年10月28日 · The VBCI 2 is motorized with a Volvo D13 turbocharged diesel engine developing 600 hp. It uses an 8x8 suspension and powered steering on the front four wheels which has been improved to cope the increase of the weight which is now 32,000 kg while the previous version of the VBCI has a combat weight of 28,000 kg.
VBCI轮式步兵战车 - 百度百科
vbci堪称是“数字化步兵战车”,其核心是数字化战场管理系统(finder)。 这套系统是“勒克莱尔”坦克上的成熟技术,系统中包括:Srr信息显示终端、IFF敌我识别系统、数字化战场地图和PR4G甚高频战术电台等。
The VBCI (Vehicule de Combat d'Infanterie) is a wheeled 8 x 8 infantry fighting vehicle with modular protection that can be adapted to the threat. Conditional orders have been placed to cover the supply of 700 vehicles to the French Army in two versions.
VBCI步兵战车 - 百度百科
VBCI装甲 步兵战车 (法语:Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie),新一代法国轮式步兵战车,2008年进入现役。VBCI的车体由铝合金制造,外部覆盖特种钢和钛合金模块装甲。