VBCI - Wikipedia
The VBCI 2 is an improved version, intended for export, with a new engine (600 hp Volvo D13 turbocharged diesel engine), new air conditioner, and new optronic sensors. It is heavier (32 t) and the prototype is equipped with a two-man turret integrating the CTA 40CT 40mm autocannon.
VBCI MK 2 | Knds
VBCI MK2 T40 constitutes the latest evolution of the combat-proven French Infantry Fighting Vehicle. The only native IFV, VBCI has proven itself in numerous combat operations and become the main combat system of the French Army.
2019年2月4日 · 要增强火力就要换威力更强的机炮,于是VBCI-2就采用了配备英法联合研制的40mm埋头弹机炮(40CTA)的T-40炮塔。 “埋头弹”顾名思义,就是用药筒将整个弹丸包裹起来,这样可以让弹丸径向尺寸更小,外形更加规整紧凑,以便节省宝贵的存储空间。 为了发射这样的炮弹,还需要特殊的转膛机炮。 这种弹膛水平旋转,对制造工艺和控制系统都要求非常高。 之前因为技术问题,这种埋头弹火炮一直没有走出实验室,进入到装备阶段。 现在这种埋头弹机 …
Couplée à deux missiles de nouvelle génération AKERON MP de MBDA, la tourelle téléopérée T40 peut vaincre un Main Battle Tank à 4000 m en Lock On Before Launch (LOBL) ou Lock On After Launch (LOAL) permettant ainsi la re-désignation de la cible en vol. De plus, grâce au site d'élévation de 60° du canon et aux nouvelles munitions ...
KNDS Nexter introduces new version VBCI T40 Infantry Fighting …
2023年8月7日 · The addition of a T40 turret to the VBCI increases its firepower. Its cannon being capable of firing anti-tank ammunition, it renders it better equipped to deal with this type of vehicle. The addition of new armor also makes it more resistant, all these improvements bring the VBCI up to date, and it remains to be seen exactly how effective this ...
执着的法兰西轻骑兵-法军轮式战车家族(已更新) - 知乎
欧洲有名的三款战车,瑞士的皮兰哈5(美国斯特赖克的原型),法国的VBCI, 德国的boxer. 这一代战车的特点就是信息化以及车族化. VBCI,A400M,以及单兵的felin系统是当年法军应对未来战争的3个主要装备. VBCI已经是马里作战行动的主力
VBCI-2 - Army Guide
The T40 is armed with a new 40mm automatic gun for CTAS telescopic ammunition, developed by CTA International (a joint venture between Nexter and BAE Systems). 7.62-mm remote controlled machine gun also mounted on the prototype VBCI-2 on the top of the turret.
VBCI infantry tank (2008)
The basic version of the VBCI 2 has a T40 turret, derived from the export version of the VBCI, and a remote-controlled 7.62 mm machine-gun. The turret is also armed with a pair of anti-tank missiles in containers.
2024年4月29日 · 卡塔尔的vbci-mk2升级版轮式装甲车以法军自用的vbci mk2轮式装甲车为基础,加装了t40炮塔。 T40炮塔内装有1门使用40毫米埋头弹的机关炮,可在1 500米距离上击穿140毫米厚的装甲。
VBCI Mk 2 IFV KNDS Nexter - Army Recognition
2024年10月28日 · The new version of the VBCI was developed and designed based on combat experience of French army in Mali. The main features of the VBCI is new level of protection, fire power and mobility. The VBCI 2 has been tested in Qatar fitted with the CTA40 40mm cannon turret in August 2016.