VBCI - Wikipedia
The véhicule blindé de combat d'infanterie (English: armoured infantry fighting vehicle) or VBCI is a French Infantry fighting vehicle designed and manufactured by GIAT Industries (now Nexter Systems) and Renault Trucks Defense (now Arquus) to replace the AMX-10P. [4]
VBCI裝步戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
VBCI步兵戰車 (法語: Véhicule Blindé de Combat d'Infanterie)為新一代法国轮式 步兵战车。 VBCI的车体由 铝合金 制造,外部覆盖特种钢和钛合金模块装甲。 底盘为8x8全驱动结构,具有與 戰車 接近的机动性与通过性。 可以由 A400M運輸機 空運具有良好的戰略機動性。
VBCI - mdc.idv.tw
VBCI/VCI的駕駛、砲手與車長的觀測器都配備Episcopic光學保護系統,可保護乘員眼睛免於遭受敵方雷射標定器的光束。 而VBCI/VPC則裝備軍團資訊系統(Regimental Information System ,VBCI/VPC/SIR)。
VBCI infantry tank (2008)
The VBCI is a modern style infantry fighting vehicle, with eight wheels and a modular construction, inspired by the MOWAG Piranha III. The first projects can be traced back to the nineties, when the successor of the AMX-10P was programmed to be developed.
2019年2月4日 · 视频中,VBCI-2步兵战车可谓不遗余力,充分展示了超强的机动性和高人一筹的火力。 法军现役的VBCI步兵战车,其最大的特点就是采用了“龙”式单人炮塔。 安装一门25mm机炮和一挺7.62mm并列机枪,这样的火力与其它新型步兵战车的30mm、35mm机炮相比,确实算是比较弱的。 要增强火力就要换威力更强的机炮,于是VBCI-2就采用了配备英法联合研制的40mm埋头弹机炮(40CTA)的T-40炮塔。 “埋头弹”顾名思义,就是用药筒将整个弹丸包裹起来,这样可以 …
VBCI Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2003年3月12日 · The VBCI (vehicule de combat d’infanterie) is a wheeled 8×8 infantry fighting vehicle with modular protection that can be adapted to the threat. Conditional orders have been placed to cover the supply of 700 vehicles to the French Army in two versions.
VBCI 8x8 IFV [REVIEW + SPECS] | Defence Database
VBCI VCI (infantry combat vehicle) The VBCI VCI is the standard infantry combat vehicle configuration. VCI is fitted with a Dragar turret equipped with one 25 mm cannon and an additional 7.62 mm machine gun.
VBCI轮式步兵战车 - 百度百科
vbci堪称是“数字化步兵战车”,其核心是数字化战场管理系统(finder)。 这套系统是“勒克莱尔”坦克上的成熟技术,系统中包括:Srr信息显示终端、IFF敌我识别系统、数字化战场地图和PR4G甚高频战术电台等。
VBCI - deagel.com
The VBCI (Vehicule Blinde de Combat d'infanterie) has been designed to replace the existing AMX 10 P tracked infantry fighting vehicle in the French Army. It is a modular, air transportable (by A400M aircraft), threat-adaptable through add-on armor and weapons, 8x8 vehicle providing high mobility and maneuverability as well as high reliability ...
VBCI - War History
2020年5月2日 · VBCI is an acronym for Véhicule Blindé de Combat d’Infanterie which translates to Armored Vehicle for Infantry Combat. Vehicles started to be produced in 2008 by Giant Industries and Renault VI. There are two variants of the vehicle, the VCI (infantry combat vehicle) and the VPC (command post vehicle).
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