比利時VBR CAR,鮮為人知的無殼彈突擊步槍 - 資訊咖
2025年2月4日 · VBR CAR在90年代初研製,它的內部結構確實要簡單很多,該槍發射一種專門研製的無殼彈藥,這也算是一個系列彈藥,有5.56毫米、9毫米等幾個不同口徑,不清楚VBR CAR採用的何種口徑彈藥。 該槍採用頂部彈匣供彈,與P90衝鋒鎗類似,不過因為無彈殼子彈尺寸更小,長長的彈匣內容納了高達120發子彈,這些子彈可能是以彈頭朝下的方式安裝,步槍的上膛方式很特別,設計師設計了一個旋轉後膛,如圖中所展示的那樣,彈膛垂直時上方補充一發子彈, …
VBR CASMG | Gun Wiki - Fandom
The VBR CASMG is a submachine gun designed and manufactured by VBR-Belgium. The CASMG (Caseless Ammunition Sub-Machine Gun) is a caseless submachine gun designed in 1991, along with the VBR M.G.91. It was designed to be a companion weapon to the VBR CAR.
比利时VBR CAR,鲜为人知的无壳弹突击步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
Belgian VBR CAR, little known caseless assault rifle - iNEWS - 資訊咖
5 天之前 · VBR CASMG and VBR MG91 are Another small weapon to go with an assault rifle, they are submachine guns that fire 5.56mm ammunition and seem to operate differently than an assault rifle. The caseless ammunition project of VBR-Belgium failed to pass the test.
VBR CAR | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The VBR CAR was a prototype assault rifle that was produced by VBR-Belgium. The CAR (Caseless Ammunition Rifle) was a caseless assault rifle made in 1990. The designer, Rik van Bruaene, took inspiration from the Heckler & Koch G11 and sought to solve issues that he saw as inherent in the design...
The VBR CAR - a simplified G11 made on a fraction of the budget
2019年7月3日 · The CAR (Caseless Assault Rifle), also known as the IPG, was developed by Rik van Bruaene of the VBR-Belgium metalworks company in 1990. van Bruaene built the weapon as a response to H&K's G11, as he felt that the G11 was overly complex and that rearward travel of the magazine, chamber, and firing mechanism upon the first shot would dissipate ...
VBR-Belgium | Gun Wiki | Fandom
VBR-Belgium (Van Bruaene Rik) is a firearms manufacturer and surplus store based in Belgium. It is managed by Rik Van Bruaene. VBR-Belgium started out as a metal works company, but moved its focus to weapons research. The company has produced ammunition and weapons since the late 1980's to early 1990's.
Advanced VBR Rifles of Belgium - YouTube
2022年11月15日 · Sources https://guns.fandom.com/wiki/VBR_223https://guns.fandom.com/wiki/VBR_CAR-2 #belgium …
VBR汉化,推荐等不了大佬翻译的自己试一下 - 百度贴吧
vbr是基于unity引擎的,mtool翻译不了,所以我找了XUNITY AutoTranslator.发现吧里前辈翻译者用的就是这个,只是他翻译了之后又精修了一下,而这个翻译器又可以直接加载原有翻译,所以就可以分享出来了.
牛版VBR带剧情攻略+模拟器 - 百度贴吧
牛版VBR带剧情攻略..本来此攻略和模拟器在去年中旬就完成,但是由于作者过于懒惰一直没校稿,所以拖到了今天总之,如今虽然大家都开始玩L了。 但我还是花了两天时间排版和校稿把这个完成发布了出来,希望对大家有一定的版主。 下面是预览.
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