6.7L Coolant Change --- VC-12 Additive | The Diesel Stop
2017年3月27日 · VC-12 is only added when the coolant test strips show a need. It can only be added twice during the life cycle of the coolant in the systems. ONLY ADD VC-12 WHEN …
Coolant additive question? - The Diesel Stop
2011年12月6日 · You can add the VC-12 revitilizer twice during the coolants life. Your check coolant message will pop up every 600 hours of engine run time ( about 13,000 to 15,000 …
VC-8 in my 6.7L - The Diesel Stop
2015年2月26日 · You can do a google search and find lots of info. In particular look at the effects on a CGI engine block, like the 6.7 uses. They coat the engine with Carboxylates that protect …
6.7L Coolant Change - The Diesel Stop
2013年10月11日 · yeah the VC-12 is the additive for the coolant, as far as I know its required for the anti corrosion. some say use it, some say don't, I get ford parts cheap enough so cost isn't …
Truth about VC-8 coolant additives - The Diesel Stop
2009年4月14日 · Done hours of searching to find conflicting information. Does the Motorcraft Gold Coolant have the VC-8 additive already in it or do a couple bottles need to be added to any …
Check Coolant Additive - The Diesel Stop
2015年5月28日 · If your test indicated that you needed to add the VC-12 coolant revitalizer, You need to add 48 oz to the primary and 12 oz in the secondary. That is 60 oz total, Which is …
Check coolant additive - The Diesel Stop
2012年7月16日 · This is a little bit more of a test. Take the sample, drop a tablet in and disolve it, test with special test strip. This is all new for the 6.7L and any engine using the new OAT …
6.7L Diesel coolant flush recomendations - The Diesel Stop
2017年11月11日 · Has VC-12 been added to the coolant? You can add it twice. It is a coolant revitalizer. If not used exclusively for towing, the coolant can wait til 105,000 miles. 48 oz …
Coolant additive question (VC-8) - The Diesel Stop
2023年1月30日 · I’m using Motorcraft VC-5 (green) so I’ll be using the VC-8 Ford additive. From what I picked up on other threads, it looks like I subtract the amount of necessary additive …
Coolant Additive Nightmare - HELP Diesel Techs..
2011年12月27日 · 2011 - 2016 Ford Super Duties. 6.7L Power Stroke Engine and Drivetrain. Coolant Additive Nightmare - HELP Diesel Techs..