PS2 - PSXVCD - PSX-Place
This application will help with converting PS1 games images (.zip, .7z, .rar, .ecm, .bin, .cue) into VCD to use it with POPStarter. Features: You can add multiple files in almost any format (.zip, .7z, .rar, .ecm, .bin, .cue).
PS2 - POPS VCD Manager - PSX-Place
Automated conversion of bin/cue games into VCD (supports automatic multiple bin files merging) Wizard to create CHEATS.TXT files, with descriptions of each command transcripted from official documentation
[SOLVED] convert game.vcd to bin or iso - PS2-Home
2016年11月12日 · You simply drag and drop the VCD to the following exe: In the same place where your VCD is, it will automatically create the CUE and BIN file. Notice that this exe is named differently from other one that converts CUE to VCD [CUE2POPS.exe] -- so make sure you are using the correct version.
How to rip the video from (S)VCD CDs or BIN/CUE images
2007年3月31日 · How to rip or extract the mpg video from VCD or SVCD CDs or BIN/CUE images using Isobuster. This method will let you copy the VCD video to compliant mpg file (s). If you just copy the .dat file (s) with windows explorer you may experience problems because windows copies all sectors in "raw mode" instead of "vcd mode". Tools: Isobuster.
[APP] Batch Convert .CUE/BIN to .VCD for POPstarter
2016年11月15日 · CUE2POPS_Batcher is a windows batch script for converting many .cue/bin files into VCD without needing further user input. VCD is the format required for popstarter (PS1 emulator on PS2). As an added extra, I've updated the script to enable batch conversion of CD images that have been shrunk with ECM.exe
[TUTORIAL] [BACKUPS] Convert multiple BINs to a single BIN
2015年10月10日 · If you ever find yourself with an issue that after you ripped your CD Game (either a PS1 or PS2 CD game), you got a bunch of multiple BIN files instead of one. (see first image above) And if you required to have a single BIN file in order to either convert it to a VCD for POPStarter (PSX) or an ISO for OPL (PS2). Then follow the following steps.
VCD to BIN Converters - 3 Software to Convert Disk Image Files
Convert VCD to BIN. How to convert Virtual CD (VCD) to Binary Disc Image (BIN) while maintaining the logical and structural content of the information. To do this, you need to use one of 3 special programs, the most popular of which are UltraIso, MagicISO, PowerISO.
bin格式的光盘映像文件怎么转化成常见的视频文件? - 知乎
2017年3月21日 · VCD光盘是2002年制作的,光盘比较老是即插VCD就可播放的影片,之前用软件把它制作成光盘映像文件,由于不支持iso格式,就制作成软件推荐的bin+… 显示全部
PoppyChain download | SourceForge.net
2024年8月11日 · PoppyChain is a set of BIN/CUE<->VCD conversion tools for Linux/BSD: * poppy-merge -- joins several binary tracks, referenced by CUE-file, into single BIN-file; * poppy-encode -- converts BIN/CUE disc images to VCD format, used by the POPS/POPSTARTER PSone emulator for PlayStation 2;