Ross-Tech: VCDS
VCDS Windows-based Diagnostic Software for VW / Audi / Seat / Skoda
Ross-Tech: VCDS: Which Download
Which Download? Before attempting to download VCDS, please look at your interface to determine the name of your interface (this will be the the LARGEST writing on the label).
VCDS | Product categories | Ross-Tech
All Ross-Tech VCDS products work with VAG vehicles (except Routan) from 1995 through the current model year (and with a 2×2 adapter can extend the model year coverage back as far as 1990).
Ross-Tech: VCDS: Current Version
If you wish to use VCDS on a computer that came with the "S" version of Windows, you'll have to switch it to run in Home or Pro mode. As of Release 22.3, we have included native builds for machines with ARM CPUs running Windows 10 or 11 only with HEX-NET or HEX-V2 interfaces.
Ross-Tech: Home
Note: Ross-tech will ship worldwide, but systems bought directly from us are licensed for the English version only. If you want VCDS in one of the above languages, please contact the appropriate distributor.
Ross-Tech: VCDS: Product Information
VCDS is a software package for Windows that emulates the functions of the dealers' very expensive proprietary scan tools. To see what functions it can perform as compared to the dealers' tools, check out our Function Chart.
VCDS with HEX-V2 Enthusiast | Ross-Tech
Limited to either 3 or 10 different vehicles (managed by VINs), this interface and VCDS software turns your Windows® PC into a powerful near factory level diagnostic tool for the Do It Yourself Enthusiast.
VCDS & VCDS-Mobile with HEX-NET Pro | Ross-Tech
The HEX-NET Pro WiFi Interface communicates with VCDS by wireless WiFi or by wired USB, turning a Windows ® PC into a factory level diagnostic tool for VW, Audi, Seat or Skoda automobiles.
Ross-Tech: VCDS : What to Buy
VCDS is software which allows a PC to perform the same functions as the very expensive dedicated tools used by VW, Audi, SEAT and Skoda dealerships. In order to use VCDS, you will definitely need: A PC which meets the minimum requirements for VCDS. The VCDS software (you can download it from our website)
VCDS-Lite Software | Ross-Tech
VCDS-Lite purchases qualify for upgrades. Ross-Tech will give registered VCDS-Lite users a substantial discount should they later decide to upgrade to a full VCDS system that includes one of our own licensed interfaces.