VCI气相防锈 - 百度百科
VCI是 气相缓蚀剂 (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor)的英文缩写,是经特殊合成工艺、复配制备而成的一种 腐蚀抑制剂 。它能单独或依附于合适的载体,在常温常压下直接气化。
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Corrosion Prevention Solutions | VCI Packaging | VCI Inhibitor
Rust-X is the market leader of Corrosion Prevention Solution globally & manufacturing over 500 products in 45 countries globally. Rust-X caters to over 10,000 customers with presence world wide. VCI SMP technology passivates the metal’s surface as well as deactivates the humidity surrounding the metal components.
VCI Bags, Paper and Film | Anti-Rust Paper | Edco Supply
Volatile corrosion inhibitor (VCI) protective packaging, such as film, bags and paper, is treated with specialized chemicals that effectively protect susceptible metals by combatting corrosion. At Edco Supply Corporation, we have both military specification and …
Corrosion Prevention Solutions | VCI Packaging | VCI Inhibitor
Rust-X is a Global Market Leader for Corrosion Prevention Products & Solutions and manufactures over 500 products in 45 countries. Rust-X caters to over 10,000 customers in Automotive, Aersospace, Oil&Gas, Infrastructure etc. with its presence in all continents.
VCI Emitters & Diffusers | ZERUST®/EXCOR® Solutions
ZERUST® VCI Emitters are self-contained, portable products that diffuse ZERUST® Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) chemicals to protect metals within enclosures. In addition to traditional VCI film and other packaging products, ZERUST® offers the ICT® 800 Emitter Series.
VCI Bags | VCI Poly Bags | Custom VCI Bags - VCI2000
VCI (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) Poly Bags are an effective and cost-efficient way of protecting metal parts from corrosion during storage and transportation. These bags emit a vapor that forms a protective barrier around the metal parts, preventing rust and other forms of …
VCI Film 48x500, VCI Poly Sheeting On Roll Corrosion Control
48 inch wide x 500 feet long x 4 mil Light blue tint VCI film allows easy inspection of packaged parts Multi metal corrosion protection including copper, brass, silver, galvanized, aluminum, cast iron, stainless and carbon steel
VCI Film, Blue, 500 ft Roll Length - Zoro.com
Order Zoro Select VCI Film, Blue, 500 ft Roll Length, VSF00001 at Zoro.com. Great prices & free shipping on orders over $50 when you sign in or sign up for an account.
VCI Packaging | VCI Bags | VCI Paper| VCI Emitters | VCI2000
One of the most effective methods of protecting against corrosion is through the use of anti-corrosion VCI (volatile corrosion inhibitors) packaging. This type of packaging is designed to protect against rust and other forms of corrosion, making it an ideal solution for a wide range of industries and applications.