VCI film, corrosion protection film from EXCOR®
VCI films from EXCOR made of polyethylene and polypropylene reliably protect your product against corrosion – adapted to your storage and transport conditions as well as to your operating processes.
VCI corrosion protection, VCI protection from EXCOR®
The VCI active ingredient (VCI = Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) can be a component of different packaging materials, such as film or paper. It vaporises from these into the packaging space, condenses on the bare metal surfaces and thus prevents ambient molecules – such as water or oxygen – from reacting with the metal, so forming a temporary ...
EXCOR® VCI products
Whether it’s for on-site storage or overseas transport: Our high-quality and heavy-duty VCI films and ICB films, VCI papers, VCI dispensers, VCI containers, corrosion protection oils or desiccants offer the most dependable and economical solution for every application.
VCI Products for Corrosion Management | ZERUST®/EXCOR®
Vapor corrosion inhibitors (also known as VCI) are substances that slowly release a corrosion preventative compound into a sealed air space, effectively protecting exposed metal surfaces. VCIs are often used in situations where it is impractical or undesired to use rust preventative liquids or other surface treatments. How do VCI products work?
VCI Folie, Korrosionsschutzfolie von EXCOR®
VCI-Folien von EXCOR aus Polyethylen und Polypropylen schützen Ihr Produkt zuverlässig vor Korrosion – angepasst an Ihre Lager- und Transportbedingungen sowie Ihre Betriebsabläufe. Der in die Folie eingearbeitete VCI-Wirkstoff gewährleistet durch Ausdampfen und Anlagerung hochwirksamen Langzeitschutz gegen Korrosion.
Acobal | Acobal / Zerust Excor France / VCI solution / Corrosion
Find out our range of corrosion protection solutions based on volatile corrosion inhibitors (VCI): Papers, Plastics, Diffusers, Liquids and additives. We deploy a multi-disciplinary VCI expertise to answer all corrosion problems in the 8 major industrial sectors.
高密度防锈膜-北美防锈Zerust®/Excor®ICT®510-CLHD VCI防锈 …
Zerust®/Excor®ICT®510-CLHD VCI防锈膜是一种轻便又坚固的高密度保护薄膜。 使用 ICT510-CLHD高密度防锈膜有双重目的,在运输、储存或作业过程中,将其他材料制成薄片或作为VCI防锈纸的替代品。
VCI Literature Library | ZERUST®/EXCOR® Corrosion Solutions
ZERUST®/EXCOR® Global Brochure – Do you have a corrosion problem? Browse the ZERUST®/EXCOR® VCI literature library of technical datasheets, brochures, and other helpful information on our VCI products.
ZERUST® ICT®510-C VCI Film - ZERUST®/EXCOR® Corrosion
ZERUST®/EXCOR® ICT®510-C VCI Film provides cost-effective and versatile protection against rust and corrosion damage for metal assets in shipping and storage. It is available in ferrous, non-ferrous, and multimetal formulations, as well as various-sized rolls, sheets, tubing, and bags.
VCI dispenser & VCI capsules from EXCOR®
The EXCOR VCI dispensers vaporise their corrosion inhibitors into the surrounding air and create the desired corrosion-protective atmosphere for the corrosion-sensitive packaged goods within the closed packaging space.