Veterans Crisis Line
Connect with a real person qualified to support Veterans. The Veterans Crisis Line serves Veterans, service members, National Guard and Reserve members, and those who support them. Dial 988 then Press 1, chat live, or text 838255. A caring, qualified responder will listen and help.
About Us - Veterans Crisis Line
The Veterans Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource for Veterans in crisis and their families and friends. You can call, chat, or text for 24/7 crisis support.
Chat - Veterans Crisis Line
The Veterans Crisis Line can help even if you’re not enrolled in VA benefits or health care. By clicking the button above, you accept the terms of service. If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, crisis chat is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A caring VA responder will join the chat, ready to listen and help.
Veterans Crisis Line - Wikipedia
The Veterans Crisis Line is a United States–based crisis hotline for military veterans, service members, their families, and caregivers. The service is available 24/7 via the toll-free hotline number 988.
VCL lines
VCL lines. Line data from the VCL design is displayed in the map views. All the valid lines within the VCL file are displayed, regardless of the design’s surface selection; this includes linestrings, polylines, and lines. The lines can be selected in the stakeout feature, the COGO features, or …
Veterans/Military Crisis Line Information
VCL/MCL access is available in the Continental United States (CONUS) to Service members, veterans, and their families. Chat: Text with a Crisis Line responder - Send a text message to 838255 or through (VeteransCrisisLine.net/Chat). The 988 Lifeline is a …
VA's Veterans Crisis Line Saves Lives Every Day
2015年2月19日 · VA’s Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, and text services. The Crisis Line has provided over 261,000 referrals to local facility Suicide Prevention Coordinators.
Beyond the call: Understanding the Veterans Crisis Line
Veterans frequently share that they see the Veterans Crisis Line number, Dial 988 then Press 1, everywhere, on every VA website, billboard and social media post. They know that 24/7 crisis …
Veterans can call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press “1” to reach the VA hotline, which is staffed by mental health professionals 24/7/365 in Canandaigua, N.Y. who work closely with the callers’ local VA Suicide Prevention Coordinators and mental health providers to help the callers.
Veterans Crisis Line helps identify, support Veterans in crisis
During Mental Health Awareness Month, VA joins the national movement to fight stigma, provide support and advocate for policies helping Veterans and their families with mental health …