A low power 1.0 GHz VCO in 65nm-CMOS LP-process
2011年10月28日 · Abstract: A 1.0GHz, Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) fabricated in TSMC 1.2V 1P9M 65nm CMOS LP-Process is presented in the paper. The output frequency is proportional to the control voltage (V ctrl). The advantage of the architecture is very simple and easy to be realized and it aims at low power, low area and low cost.
The VCO demonstrated by this application note is a low-power single transistor common-collector Colpitts VCO with a center frequency of 1GHz and a tuning range of 100MHz. A VCO evaluation board is designed which can be used for evaluation of other VCO devices as well.
2021年1月6日 · 按照20%的设计余量,将VCO的输出频率范围设定为1.0GHz到1.5GHz。 在1.2V电源电压下为使CP电流源工作在饱和区,并考虑到为确保VCO增益的线性度而尽可能的压缩控制电压范围,将控制电压范围设为280mV到450mV,得Kvco≈3GHz/V。
一个低抖动比1 GHz环形VCO的设计与实现-AET-电子技术应用
流片后测试结果表明,当控制电压为30 μV~800 mV时,输出频率可达740 MHz~1.3 GHz,并与输入电压之间呈现良好的线性性;在中心振荡频率为1 GHz时,噪声电压与信号电压的比满足设计要求。
ISSCC2025 Paper 分Session整理 - Analog/RF IC 资料共享 - EETOP
2025年2月19日 · 4.2 A 1.8-to-3.0GHz Fully Integrated All-In-One CMOS Frequency Management Module Achieving -47/+42ppm Inaccuracy from -40 to 95° ... 19.5 A Differential Series-Resonance CMOS VCO with Pole-Convergence Technique Achieving 202.1dBc/Hz FoMTA at 10MHz Offset
VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) Selector Guide - Crystek
This VCO is designed for narrow band VCO applications (up to10%). It offers frequencies from 30MHz to 1.7GHz, very Low Phase Noise, Low Harmonics, and Excellent Linearity throughout its tuning range.
1.2GHz~2.1GHz CMOS压控振荡器(VCO)的设计 - 百度学术
传统电荷泵PLL环路参数的计算及建模 - 21ic电子网
2024年7月23日 · 第一步,确定VCO增益Kvco和CP充放电电流Icp。 按照20%的设计余量,将VCO的输出频率范围设定为1.0GHz到1.5GHz。 在1.2V电源电压下为使CP电流源工作在饱和区,并考虑到为确保VCO增益的线性度而尽可能的压缩控制电压范围,将控制电压范围设为280mV到450mV,得Kvco≈3GHz/V。
VCO Oscillators – Mouser
VCO Oscillators are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for VCO Oscillators.
1 GHz Oscillators – Mouser - Mouser Electronics
1 GHz Oscillators are available at Mouser Electronics. Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for 1 GHz Oscillators.
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