VCO中使用的Capacitor Bank - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2021年7月13日 · LC VCO. 对于小 VCO gain , capacitor bank 以并联电容阵列的形式,加入LC谐振网络中,获取更宽的调谐范围. 减小此方法带来的 KVCO 波动. Background: 传统LC tank VCO: 开关电容阵列与 varactor 并联. 振荡器谐振频率. 振荡器频率 由 capbank 粗略的调整,由 varactor 精细调整. 压 ...
•Model VCO in a small signal manner •Assume linear relationship in small signal •Deviations in frequency proportional to control voltage variation ∆f = Kvvin
VCO Type I • To maximize tuning range, we wish to minimize C1. • But C1 is given by: - Caps of M1 and M2 (including 4Cgd)-Cap of L1 - Input cap of next stage • Tuning range may be limited.
A Wide Tuning Range LC VCO through Switched Capacitor Bank using TSMC ...
A Wide Tuning Range LC VCO through Switched Capacitor Bank using TSMC 180nm Technology Abstract: A new design approach for obtaining low phase noise (PN) has been presented by means of current reusing procedure for this literature.
Capacitor bank design for wide tuning range LC VCOs: 850MHz …
2010年8月3日 · Abstract: This paper describes novel design techniques for optimizing the switched-capacitor array in a wide tuning range LC VCO. The switches in the capacitor array are optimally sized to maximize the tuning range.
Design & optimization of switched capacitor array based differential ...
This paper presents the design of Switched Capacitor Array (SCA) based low voltage and low phase noise differential Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). Based on TSMC 0.18μm CMOS technology, schematic of the circuit with CADENCE environment has been designed. A sizing method is proposed to meet the requirement of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth standards.
LC VCO开关电容阵列的设计 - Analog/RF IC 设计讨论 - EETOP 创 …
2016年4月28日 · 最近做了一个LC VCO,频率在3.5G左右,需要加上开关电容阵列进行频率控制,我根据文献选用了一个结构,但是不管MOS管的值设定为多少,这个symbol加入电路中,整个电路就不 ...
(PDF) Capacitor bank design for wide tuning range LC VCOs: …
2010年7月2日 · A 1.8-GHz LC VCO designed in a 0.18-μm CMOS process achieves a very wide tuning range of 73% and measured phase noise of -123.5 dBc/Hz at a 600-kHz offset from a 1.8-GHz carrier while drawing 3.2...
VCO校正算法,从环路稳定性的角度来阐述VCO校正算法。 我们进一步简化VCO电路为一个可变电容二极管并联一系列电容阵(cap code或者cap bank)和一个 电感并联,Fvco=1/2pi*sqrt(L*C),如图7 所示。锁相环闭环输出频率为Fout,Fout=F0+Kvco*Vtune,F0
Ultra-wideband Quadrature LC-VCO using Capacitor-Bank and …
2020年5月1日 · A Quadrature VCO with stacked Inductor was implemented with the proposed 8-Bit Cap-Bank based Back-Gate topology in 0.13 μm RF-CMOS technology. The design aimed to serve for most popular and frequent RF applications governed by IEEE-802.11 a/b/g Network protocols that are Bluetooth ( S -Band) and Wi-Fi ( C -Band), which makes this design and ...
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