VCP DCV Fundamentals exam Query-Urgent - VMware …
2016年9月23日 · I am planning to appear for vmware datacenter virtualization fundamentals exam (version 6.0). i have the following queries. Request you to support me with clarifications as …
Migrating vCenter to a new domain - VMware Technology …
2014年9月15日 · The issue is with the vsphere client/update manager etc. Cant see what the Microsoft forum would add to this?
Solved: consigli su vSphere 5 - VMware Technology Network VMTN
2012年7月25日 · Solved: Buongiorno a tutti, sto ereditando la gestione dell'infrastruttura IT di un cliente il quale ha necessità di tirare su un cluster vmware su
Upgrade ESXi 6.5 to 7.0.3 Without losing VM's Data
2023年5月10日 · The second screenshot is for the installation of ESXi itself. This should be on a different disk to the VM datastore. As long as you have selected this other disk and not the …
Being Vware Cloud Service Provider - VMware Technology …
2010年12月1日 · Dear all does anyone know how to become vmware cloud service provider. now my company running as a datacenter outsourcing provider. the road map now is being Cloud …
Solved: VCAP Certification - VMware Technology Network VMTN
2011年8月1日 · Solved: Hi , Can you help me to complete VCAP DCA Exam . i have already completed VCP 310 and 410 exam .
Re: vSphere 5 licensing - VMware Technology Network VMTN
2011年10月7日 · Ciao, sulla questione del nuovo licensing sono stati scritti fiumane di bit: soprattutto la prima versione annunciata a luglio era ancora piu' restrittiva e ha suscitato molte …
higher level workflow approach to non presistent desktops?
2019年10月29日 · Hi we are trying to solve a workflow issue. We are using two pools, one for persistent users and another for users to be able to log into a desktop to run load calculations …
Migrate ESXi6 to new disks - VMware Technology Network VMTN
2016年12月20日 · Hi, I have to migrate my actual installation to new ssd disks and here is the situation: Disks: 320GB rotating disk with main esxi 6.0u2 installation plus some storage for …
Official VCP practice exam? - VMware Technology Network VMTN
2022年10月10日 · Register / Sign In. VMTN Communities. Register / Sign In