yay: Valorant Player Profile - VLR.gg
yay (Jaccob Whiteaker) Valorant player team history, match results, stats, achievements, and winnings
yay - Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
ardiis and him were the first players to play in 2 VCT partnered teams from 2 different regions, with Cloud9 in Americas and with Bleed Esports in Pacific. Most kills made were 40 on Icebox during VCT 2021: North America Stage 3 Challengers 2 - Open …
fps新手瓦罗兰特练枪 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
vct na - tenz 项目,是多个小球向着玩家靠拢。练习提升速度和心理素质。 vct na - yay 项目,是移动目标项目。练习移动目标的瞄准确认。 观察(detection.ultimate)项目,是反应速度的测试和训练项目。
yay VALORANT Settings, Crosshair & Config - ProSettings.net
1998年9月9日 · Evil Geniuses yay settings and setup, including CFG, crosshair, viewmodel, sensitivity and more. Always updated for VALORANT, CS2.
Jaccob 'yay' Whiteaker, born September 9 1998, is a 26-year-old VALORANT esports player from United States who is currently playing for Evil Geniuses since December 20, 2024. yay previously played for BLEED Esports and their most recent match was against MIBR on February 1, 2025.
Yay - VALORANT Esports Wiki
Jaccob "Yay" Whiteaker is a VALORANT esports player, currently a player for OpTic Gaming and a player for Cloud9.
明星选手yay将暂时退赛:团队宣称是因为健康问题_瓦罗兰特|游民 …
2024年5月13日 · 日前, BLEED Esports官方宣布,海外明星选手yay将暂时退出VCT赛事。 yay 在 BLEED 的 2024 年开局并不顺利,在输掉两场比赛后从 VCT 太平洋赛小组赛中即被淘汰,并且在太平洋赛区第一阶段的常规赛中只取得了一场 对 DFM的 胜利。
将天赋带到太平洋!yay正式官宣加入Bleed - 5EPlay
2023年10月6日 · 根据最新的消息,无畏契约明星选手yay将加入Bleed Esports参加2024赛季的VCT太平洋联赛。此前,yay在与Cloud9合作仅仅几个月之后就被俱乐部下放到替补席。 Bleed Esports宣布签下无畏契约明星 Jaccob Whiteaker | yay 。随着北美巨星的加盟,yay将成为第三位在VCT太平洋联赛中 ...
「SEN vs EG」孩子们 我回来了!yay回归美洲加入EG首秀选出维 …
yay加入EG参战SEN CITY杯赛,大C级发挥【瓦休赛期速报第40.2期】美洲赛区 VCT 休赛期比赛,Loud新阵容发布,Yay宣布加入EG,Leo正在为回归做准备,【AAAAY】本直播间是最尊重yay的直播间,大B评价SEN新援,N4rrate比sacy强,bang和tenz不相上下,Kaajak官宣加 …
【转载】Valorant基础 ENVY yay的预瞄和peek教学 - 哔哩哔哩
Vct yay再创新高17.5万,每天练枪的成果日益见效,你也赶快练起来!