美国SONICS 超声波细胞破碎仪 VCX 130_洛尚|LAWSON
美国SONICS 超声波细胞破碎仪 VCX130:用于小批量应用的超声波液体处理器,130瓦特超声处理器与定时器和脉冲器安全地处理广泛的有机和无机材料,从150微升到150毫升。 典型的应用包 …
VCX 130 130 Watts Processing Volume: 200µl – 150mL* The VCX 130 is a 130 watt, programmable ultrasonic processor and our most popular small volume system. This model …
Necessary instruction and guidance are provided to help ensure the successful operation of this device. Observe the following:
Never allow an atomizing probe to vibrate in air for more than 10 seconds without liquid flowing through it. The ultrasonic power supply converts 50/60 Hz line voltage to high frequency …
美国Sonics 130W超声波细胞破碎仪VCX-130-上海君翼仪器设备有 …
超声波破碎仪提供*的能量输出自适应功能,从探头来的反馈连续被机器衡量,功率会自动调谐以确保维持预设的振幅水平。 具有遥控启动功能,并设计了敏感的过载保护电路。 20KHz的压电 …
Sonics VCX-130 Vibra-Cell Ultrasonic Liquid Processor for Small …
2016年12月29日 · 130 Watt Ultrasonic Processor with Timer and Pulsar to safely process a wide range of organic and inorganic materials, from 150 microliters to 150 milliliters. Typical …
Sonics VCX130 PB 超声波粉碎机 - tissuely
Sonics VCX130 PB 超声波粉碎机,带有计时器和脉冲发生器,可安全地处理从150微升到150毫升的各种有机和无机材料。 典型应用包括生物技术和药物处理,包括混合,分散和样品制备用途。
Analis| VCX-130 - Ultrasonic Processor 130W - Sonics
The VCX 130 is a laboratory-scale 130 watt model, programmable ultrasonic processor, and our most popular small volume system. This model offers the same programmability as larger VCX …
Sonics & Materials VCX 130 Sonicator - PRO Scientific
the Vibra-Cell™ VCX 130 130-Watt Progammable Ultrasonic Processor, displays the amount of power in watts and the amount of energy in joules (watts x seconds). This innovation, available …
VCX130 (130 watts) - Sonics + Materials, Inc. - PDF Catalogs ...
Consult Sonics + Materials, Inc.'s VCX130 (130 watts) brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/1
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