VDI Numbers for Various Rings and Collectible Coins - The Legend ...
2022年7月18日 · Learning a new metal detector or upgrading to a new metal detector, see VDI Numbers for various gold rings and other jewlery as well collectible coins for The Legend, Equinox, Apex & AT Pro
Legend Vdis Gold Jewelry/aluminum Trash - Nokta Legend Forum ...
2022年4月29日 · Luckily, the Legend has good, consistent target IDs that stay quite accurate down to 7" depth on these targets in my bad dirt (aside from the tiny gold stuff at 11/12). That may also be the same or even better in your soil/sand conditions.
Legend USA Coin Target ID Scale Thoughts - Nokta Legend …
2022年4月20日 · After 5 weeks using the Legend for mostly US modern coins and a bit of relic hunting, I have been pleasantly surprised with the extra 10 target IDs that the Legend has which separates it from its main competition (Equinox). What pleasantly surprised me most was that Nokta Makro had the good sense...
Nokta Makro Legend U.S. Coin Vid Scale - Nokta Legend Forum ...
2022年1月1日 · Have you had time to compare the VDI's using the Multi of the different modes? Also multi vs the single frequencies of a mode, I'm trying to write up some potential Tone breaks & notches for Customized profiles. Also wondering how each mode's Multi might be weighted to higher or lower end.
Makro Legend US Coin VDI actual 'in the ground' numbers
2019年12月19日 · The following VDI numbers have been witnessed while operating the Legend in the canned 'boot-up' mode, ... no adjustments, full (30) sensitivity, 1v05...
#noktalegend #noktamakro #legendvdichart #legendmetaldetector I test most of the U.S. coins and some silver and gold rings to put together a VDI guide for the Nokta Legend. At the end of the...
Nokta Makro Legend Target ID - Diggun
Target ID range for the Nokta Makro Legend is 1-60, with ferrous targets in the range of 1-10 and non-ferrous targets in the range of 11-60. This means that the Legend will product different target ID numbers that were on the Nokra Makro Simplex chart and also will be different from the Garrett VDIs which range from 1-100.
Nokta Makro VDI Numbers - Diggun
Based on the Simplex VDI numbers, will refine this page if the legend numbers are different.
Nokta - The Legend - VDI Numbers -For Common US Coins
Here are the VDI target numbers for some common US coins for the Nokta Legend.#metaldetecting #Nokta #noktalegend #thelegend #shorts #metaldetector #multi2...
Legend VDI Bible | TreasureNet.com
2010年5月28日 · Agony and Death on a Gold Rush Steamer: The Disastrous Sinking of the Side-Wheeler Yankee Blade - Grab it through Amazon! I took the time to make a chart with these results. Print it 10” wide, fold in half, and then laminate. Easy quick reference while learning your machine. yes gold can be any number, dig it all. 14k @33 could have been a pull tab
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