VDI Ra Aa VDI Ra Ra 3400 µm µinch 3400 µm µinch 0 0.1 4 23 1.4 56 1 0.112 4.48 24 1.6 64 2 0.126 5.04 25 1.8 72 3 0.14 5.6 26 2 80 4 0.16 6.4 27 2.2 88 5 0.18 7.2 28 2.5 100 6 0.2 8 29 2.8 112 7 0.22 8.8 30 3.2 128 8 0.25 10 31 3.5 140 9 0.28 11.2 32 4 160 10 0.32 12.8 33 4.5 180 1 1 0.35 14 34 5 200 1 2 0.4 16 35 5.6 224 13 0.45 18 36 6.3 252
2024年12月20日 · 在工作中不少人经常要去查资料找对应的值,本文做了全面的整理,推荐收藏哦! 对于粗糙度分级,欧洲定义了一种VDI3400表面标准,在欧洲的数控机床(尤其是火花机)上多以此作为指标,比如常听到客户说“这个产品的表面按VDI30做”。 VDI与Ra有着对应关系,见下表。 日本常用Rmax指标,相当于Rz指标,是指表面轮廓峰顶线和谷底线之间的距离,也就是轮廓最大高度,而Ra是指表面轮廓偏距绝对值的算术平均值。 它们的对照值仅为参考。 做一个有思 …
VDI To Ra Conversion Table | PDF | Computers - Scribd
The document lists VDI surface roughness values along with the corresponding ISO and AS ratings. It provides the drafting angles required for different materials like polyamide, polycarbonate, and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrol at each surface roughness level.
VDI 3400: The Ultimate Guide to Texture Standards - Plastopia
Compared with Mold Tech and Yick Sang‘s complex textures, VDI 3400 provides a fast and straightforward solution for mold plastic texturing. 1. What is VDI 3400? 2. How to make VDI 3400? 3. VDI 3400 Chart/ Table. 4. VDI 3400 Card/ Book/ Gauge. 5. VDI 3400 Draft Angle. 6. VDI 3400 Comparion with other Textures. 7. VDI 3400 and RA/ RZ. 8.
表面粗糙度对照表 - rongjingedm.com
表面粗糙度高度参数轮廓算术平均偏差Ra 轮廓微观不平度十点高度Rz、 轮廓最大高度Ry VDI为德国标准. 表面粗糙度对照表
VDI3400对应表 - 百度文库
VDI Table(完整的VDI表) In the following, you can determine the roughness for your application according to VDI table. +++++ Conversion scales from VDI.....RA.....UM.....RMS....I have a VDI Scale. Does anyone have such a conversion scale....Is the um a separate scale from the RA scale or is it part of it? If not how is the um expressed.
VDI 3400 Surface Finish, EDM surface finish, Vdi surface - Upmold
Ra is calculated by an algorithm that measures the average length between the peaks and valleys and the deviation from the mean line on the entire surface within the sampling length.
Vdi Surface Draft Angle Reference Table | PDF | Computers - Scribd
The table lists increasing VDI grades from 12 to 45 with the associated roughness values and draft angle ranges for different manufacturing processes. The document provides a reference table with information on VDI grades, surface roughness measurements Ra and Rz, and recommended draft angles for different materials including polyamide ...
VDI 3400 Mold Texture and Drafting Angle - Ecomolding.com
2024年8月12日 · VDI 3400 defines surface texture standards for mold-making. It categorizes roughness classes using Ra values. German engineers played a crucial role in developing the VDI 3400 standard, ensuring consistent texture quality and improving product performance.
Wire Sizing Chart and Formula - RES Supply
Calculate the Voltage Drop Index (VDI) using the following formula: VDI = AMPS x FEET ÷ (% VOLT DROP x VOLTAGE) 2. Determine the appropriate wire size from the chart below. Take the VDI number you just calculated and find the nearest number in the VDI column, then read to the left for AWG wire gauge size.