VDIGX [Vanguard Dividend Growth] Question - Bogleheads.org
2023年9月20日 · I have had the same concerns over VDIGX which I have held for 5+ years.. It has tanked and I am bolting after cap gains are paid.. After reading the VDIGX 2022 year end report, seems Vanguards early-on affinity toward ESG funds have played a part as Energy funds are huge dividend payers and getting rid of XOM was an admitted mistake..
VDIGX [Vanguard Dividend Growth] vs VIGI [Vanguard Intl …
2023年12月15日 · My Roth is spit between VSMAX (30%), VWIAX (44%) and VDIGX (26%). I was thinking about moving VDIGX to VIGI which seems to have a similar investment style, only its international. My total international allocation for all my investments is under 10%. I'm 69 and retired. Any thoughts from the esteemed Bogelheads would be appreciated.
What happened to VDIGX - Bogleheads.org
2021年1月20日 · VDIGX is a dividend fund so don't expect big NAV growth. Well, it's a dividend growth fund, which is completely different from a high dividend fund. You don't necessarily get a higher-than-total-market dividend yield from a dividend growth fund.
VDIGX vs VFIAX - Bogleheads.org
2020年5月8日 · -VDIGX skews toward high quality blue chip type companies. Hence it tends to be a little less volatile than the S&P 500. -S&P 500 is heavier weighted toward the tech giants (VDIGX has some Microsoft but no Amazon, Facebook, etc.)-VDIGX is actively managed (although pretty conservatively). The ER is a little higher but still very reasonable.
VDIGX vs VWELX vs VTI - Bogleheads.org
2022年3月7日 · So if Wellington is composed of two parts X (VDIGX-like stocks) and Y (mostly long-term corp bonds), and Y is down more than X (-8.0% versus -4.9%), math-wise Wellington's performance has to be worse than VDIGX alone. No more explanation needed; this kind of thing can and does happen.
VDIGX: Is There an Equivalent ETF? - Bogleheads.org
2023年3月22日 · Here's are some "dividend growth" funds. Equivalent to VDIGX? No. Similar? Yes. Certainly not substantially-identical. - DGRO: iShares Dividend Growth ETF. "DGRO offers a straightforward execution of a dividend growth strategy.
Vanguard Div. Growth (VDIGX) - new manager concern?..
2023年7月17日 · One thing about VDIGX that appealed to me was having a bit lower volatility than total market. Taking a cue from tidbitts' excellent suggestion, I did a comparison of VDIGX, VTSAX, and VDADX in Portfolio Visualizer. Although VTSAX was the overall winner, VDIGX max drawdown was smaller than the other two, and the "worst year" not as bad.
Active Funds : 100% vwelx Wellington VS 65% VDIGX (Dividend …
2021年10月24日 · Thanks everyone for their feedback, I choose VDIGX and Iam going to pair it with VFITX OR VGIT. The reason for choosing vdigx is the lowest amount drawdowns. It beats vwelx and the balanced fund handsomely. This is the low volatility part of my portfolio. Starting 2005 only a 23% drawdown same as Wellsey during 2007-2009-
VDIGX - Avoid high capital gains distributions, or not?
2011年10月15日 · I invested in Vanguard's VDIGX Dividend Growth Fund about 7 years ago. The share price has of course gone up quite a bit since then. Last year, VDIGX distributed high capital gains that I could write off against a carryover capital loss. Vanguard estimates high capital gains distributions from this fund again this year (approx. 3% of the share ...
Any opinions on VDIGX vs VIG? (Vanguard Div Growth vs Div …
2012年3月16日 · VIG will be about 100% US, and VDIGX has more flexibility and is currently about 90% US. VDIGX is active. Expense ratios are 0.33% for VDIGX and 0.09% for VIG. The manager of VDIGX is incentivized (extra compensation) to beat VIG. Both are gold-rated by …