It operates with the M22 and an AN/VDR-2 Radiac set. It interfaces with global positioning system (GPS) vehicle navigation systems and modular collective protection equipment; it automates NBC report preparation (NBC-1/NBC-4) and transmission; and it communicates via single-channel ground and air radio system, FBCB2 or JWARN.
The M22 Improved CAM (ICAM) is a handheld, soldier-operated, post-attack device for monitoring nerve and blister chemical agent contamination. It detects chemical agent vapors by sensing molecu-lar ions of specific mobilities (time of flight) and uses timing and microprocessor techniques to reject interference.
美军现役核生化防御系统详解 - 百度文库
M22化学药剂报警器是一个成品报警系统,能够探测和识别标准的疱疹和神经药剂。 M22使用国外相当的测试程序,淘汰了英国的GID-3。 M22系统是一个便携式的装置,系统启动后能自动作业,提供声音和视频报警。 M22系统也提供对自动战场报警和报告系统的通信接口,它是在M8A1型自动化学药剂报警系统基础上改进的,主要在四个方面改进:(1)提供同时对疱疹和神经药剂的探测和报警;(2)比M8A1更为灵敏;(3)能在集体防护环境中操作使用;(4)对干扰反 …
Distribution Restriction: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. disclosure officer. This training product can be used to instruct international military students from all approved...
Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Reconnaissance System
Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (CAM/ICAM), AN/VDR-2, and M22 Automatic Chemical Agent Detector/Alarm (ACADA). The NBC sensor suite has been digitally linked with the communications and navigation subsystems by a dual-pur-pose central processor system known as the Multipurdual-pur-pose Integrated Chemical Agent Detector (MICAD).
【VDR】浅谈无线电设备年检和VDR年检 - 搜狐
2023年2月28日 · vdr检验工程师要带电脑、超声波信标测试仪、eprib测试仪,用以检验具有上浮式记录单元的vdr。如果是带有上浮式记录单元的vdr,必须有vdr部分的eprib测试报告。
It will be the Army’s principal manned, automated reconnaissance, surveillance, monitoring, marking, reporting, and sampling system in corps and division elements and echelons above corps. It will operate in all geographical areas, adverse weather, and …
PPT - AN/VDR-2 3 years AN/UDR 13 3 years AN/PDR 75 2 years …
2014年11月18日 · CBRN Calibrations/Wipe Tests. AN/VDR-2 3 years AN/UDR 13 3 years AN/PDR 75 2 years AN/PDR 77 1 year M41 PATS 18 months M4 JCAD M22 ACADA ICAM . or 1000 hrs. CHEMICALDRAGON.COM. NO WIPE TEST OR CALIBRATION REQUIRED (No DA Label 80 required).
M93A1 / M93A1P1 Fox NBC Reconnaissance Vehicle - Army Technology
The M93A1 NBC sensor suite integrates the M21 remote sensing chemical agent alarm (RSCAAL), MM1 mobile mass spectrometer, chemical agent monitor (CAM) or improved chemical agent monitor (ICAM), AN/VDR-2 Beta Radiac and M22 automatic chemical agent detector / alarm (ACADA).
2030美国海军陆战队、特种部队和直升机等杂谈【古德里安吧】_ …
裁撤3个中型偏旋翼机中队,MV-22中队总数降到14个。 裁撤2个重型直升机中队,总数降到5个,受影响的是MH-53K重型直升机采购数量会有相应调整。 裁撤2个混编轻型直升机中队,UH-1Y/AH-1Z中队总数降到5个。 增加3个无人机中队,无人机中队总数翻倍增至6个。 陆战队下一代大型战术无人机MUX项目调整为若干机型系统族设计,并且不再要求一定能从传统两栖舰上起降。 增加1个加油机运输机中队,KC-130J中队总数增至4个。 其他方面调整:放弃38艘大型两栖 …