GitHub - vdr-projects/vdr-plugin-rcu: The "Remote Control Unit" …
This is a "plugin" for the Video Disk Recorder (VDR). (at your option) any later version. See the file COPYING for more information. code, and has been moved into a separate plugin in version 1.7.25. The "Remote Control Unit" used to be part of the core VDR source code, and has been moved into a separate plugin in version 1.7.25.
VDR (Voyage Data Recorder) JCY-1900 - Japan Radio Co.,Ltd.
Displaying various VDR alerts with detailed information, see what sensors are connected including status, view the latest recorded image data of radar and ECDIS and playback of audio tracks recorded from microphones.
JRC JCY-1900 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Preserving the recorded data So that the VDR does not overwrite the recorded data, preserve the recorded data in the internal storage of RCU. 1) Tap the [Save] button in the HOME screen. 2) Tap the [PROTECT] button in the “Save the recorded data at a marine accident case”...
JRC VDR JCY-1900 OPERATION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download JRC VDR JCY-1900 operation manual online. VDR JCY-1900 data loggers pdf manual download. Also for: S-vdr jcy-1950.
JRC JCY-1850 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Preface Thank you for buying JRC JCY-1850 Simplified Voyage Data Recorder (S-VDR). This equipment helps to detect the cause of marine accident to prevent the recurrence in the future. The equipment records voyage data, as required by the International Standard, during the navigation and the hull data of the vessel.
JCY-1900|JRC 日本無線株式会社
JCY-1900は、2014年7月1日以降の船舶に搭載するVDR(航海情報記録装置)に対して求められる最新の性能基準(MSC.333 (90))に加え、2022年7月1日以降求められるEPIRB性能基準を改正したMSC.494(104)に適合する装置です。 これまでの長年の経験を生かして、長期間の安定したデータ記録と構成機器の高い信頼性を第一に設計された、使い易く優れたVDRです。 操作表示部は、タッチパネル付き7インチワイドカラー液晶を採用しています。 シンプルなメ …
Recording Control Unit: RCU (NDV-1800) - JRC-JCY-1800 VDR
Recording modes can be selected by connecting the switching SW of the following specification to the dry contact input (PI_1 and PI_2 of TB406) of RCU. ¾ AUTO mode: Images of CH to which the synchronized signals are outputted are automatically selected and recorded.
Consilium VDR F2 Remote Control Unit VDR RCU2
Save money and earth: buy reconditioned Consilium or other Navigation Systems, VDR reconditioned spares. We have many different spares and complete equipment of on stocks in Turkey and Germany. All spare parts and equipments are testing by …
The accident investigator uses to retrieve the recorded data from the VDR. This is the main power switch of the RCU. The glass fuse is mounted to protect the AC input power line. Current capacity: 5A / 250V. The battery becomes the backup power supply when an AC input power is lost. Tapping the touch panel, can operate the VDR system.
JCY-1900は2014年7月1日以降に船舶搭載する装置に対して求められる最新の性能基準(MSC.333(90))に適合する当社の第4世代VDRです。 2001年のVDR初期段階より製品開発に取り組んでいる経験を生かし、JCY-1900はVDRに求められる長期間の安定した記録と構成機器の高い信頼性を第一に設計された、使い易くコストパフォーマンスに優れた装置です。 2014年7月1日以降に船舶搭載されるVDRに要求される 、 最新の性能基準(MSC.333(90))での変更点は …
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