Computer and visual display terminals (VDT) vision syndrome …
Computer and visual display terminals syndrome is a constellation of symptoms ocular as well as extraocular associated with prolonged use of visual display terminals. This syndrome is gaining importance in this modern era because of the widespread use of technologies in day-to-day life.
The Chinese version of the Computer Vision Syndrome …
2023年7月3日 · The final version of the Chinese scale to measure CVS was obtained (the CVS-Q CN©). The mean age of participants was 31.3 ± 9.8 years, 47.6% were women, and 57.1% used VDTs to work for more than 8 h/day. The CVS-Q CN© can be considered an easy tool to assess CVS in workers exposed to digital devices in China.
The relationship between visual display terminal usage at work …
The present study showed that VDT usage at work was associated with an increased risk of headache/eyestrain. Additionally, the use of VDT increased the risk of suspected CVS patients in white-collar workers and pink-collar workers.
2023年5月19日 · 近年来,随着电子信息科技的发展,智能手机、平板、电脑得到了广泛的应用,干眼已经成为全球流行性疾病,其中视频显示终端(Visual display terminal,VDT)相关干眼所占比重和发病率逐渐升…
Prevalence of Computer Vision Syndrome and Its Relationship with ...
2020年2月5日 · This cross-sectional study estimated computer vision syndrome (CVS) prevalence and analysed its relationship with video display terminal (VDT) exposure, as well as sociodemographic, refractive, environmental, and ergonomic characteristics in 109 presbyopic VDT workers wearing progressive addition lenses (PALs).
Computer vision syndrome and its determinants: A systematic …
In this study, sex, body posturing, use of electronics devices out of work, habit of taking breaks, visual display terminal (VDT) use in hours, distance from the screen, knowledge, and general ergonomic practice were factors associated with CVS.
视频终端综合征 - 百度百科
视频终端综合征 ,是指由于长时间在视频终端前操作和注视荧光屏而出现的一组无特征的症状,包括神经衰弱综合征(头痛、头晕、额头压迫感、恶心、失眠或恶梦,记忆力减退,脱发等)、肩颈腕综合征(麻木、感觉异常及震颤,有压痛以及腰背部酸痛不适)、眼部症状(视疲劳、干眼症、眼部发痒、烧灼异物感、 视物模糊 、视力下降、眼部胀痛、眼眶痛等)以及 食欲减退 、便秘、抵抗力下降等,甚至对 内分泌系统 产生一定影响等。 “视频终端综合征”是指从事光学 显示器 终 …
视频终端视疲劳综合征的治疗进展 - cma-cmc.com.cn
近年来,随着科技的发展,视频终端视疲劳综合征(VDTS)的发病率不断上升。 大部分视频终端操作者在长时间注视屏幕后,常以"眼干、眼痛、头昏、视物模糊"等症状就诊。 目前,VDTS的发病机制尚不清楚,可能是多种因素共同作用的结果,比如工作环境、显示器画质、操作姿势等。 随着使用者的低龄化,VDTS的危害日益严重,因此如何采取相应的预防和治疗措施是当前亟待解决的问题。 本文归纳总结了近年来国内外关于VDTS治疗的相关研究,提供了改善视频终端操作 …
Computer vision syndrome: a review of ocular causes and …
2011年4月12日 · In a review of CVS, Thomson 2 indicated that up to 90% of computer users may experience visual symptoms including eyestrain, headaches, ocular discomfort, dry eye, diplopia and blurred vision either at near or when looking into the distance after prolonged computer use. It is unclear whether this number has increased, given the increased use of ...
Prevalence of computer vision syndrome: A systematic review and …
2024年1月1日 · CVS presents risk factors that increase the probability of developing it, such as contact lenses use, psychological stress, previous visual pathologies, use of multiple VDTs, and technological addiction problems. 11, 12 Another factor that could modify prevalence is the operational definition of CVS across studies, with the Computer Vision ...
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