Video display terminal | computer technology | Britannica
Some systems have a video display terminal (VDT), consisting of a keyboard and a CRT viewing screen, that enables the operator to see and correct the words as they are being typed. If a system has a line printer, it can produce printouts of “hard copy.”
VDT - 百度百科
VDT(Visual Display Terminal,或者叫做视觉显示终端)是一个专业术语,它指的是计算机显示器。 VDT主要由主机、显示器及键盘等组成显示器是计算机的输出界面,它用阴极射线、液晶、发光二极管、气体等离子或者其它图像显示技术为计算机用户显示文字和图像。
Computer and visual display terminals (VDT) vision syndrome …
VDT use has been identified, emerged and implicated as a known influencing factor contributing toward developing dry eye disease (DED) affecting 10–70% of VDT users. An array of ocular complaints such as dry sensation, grittiness, burning, foreign body sensation, increased lacrymation, redness, tiredness, heaviness, and compulsion to blink ...
Digital Screen Use and Dry Eye: A Review - ScienceDirect
2020年11月1日 · CVS, or digital eye strain, refers to a spectrum of clinical vision-related and muscular symptoms perceivably resulting from prolonged and continuous use of visual display terminals (VDTs), such as computers, smartphones, televisions, and tablets. 10 Different display device types are associated with unique profiles of visual effects, possibly d...
Design, Practice, and Standards for VDT Equipment and Work
The second section examines guidelines and standards for VDT design that have been proposed or enacted into law in several European countries and Canada and discusses whether useful and appropriate standards should be established in the United States on the basis of present data.
Video display terminals - Canonica
A Video Display Terminal (VDT), also known as a Visual Display Unit (VDU), is an electronic device with a screen used to display text and graphics output from a computer or other electronic systems. VDTs have evolved significantly since their inception, playing a crucial role in the development of m
VDT Workstation Design - ScienceDirect
1988年1月1日 · This chapter discusses the visual-display terminal (VDT) workstation design. Proper design and use of furniture assume flexibility in work organization and management attitudes. Providing freedom for individual variations from the conventional norm requires considering that persons working with computers differ in their physiques and work ...
VDT~~ - CSDN博客
2024年2月24日 · 提出统一的时空掩码建模机制,使 VDT 能够处理多种视频生成任务,实现了技术的广泛应用。VDT 灵活的条件信息处理方式,如简单的 token 空间拼接,有效地统一了不同长度和模态的信息。
什么是vdt综合症 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
VDT综合征(Visual Display Terminal,VDT),是由于长期使用计算机、手机等视频终端,导致眼部出现眼睛疲劳、干眼症等一系列表现 ,并且还会出现全身体征临床综合性症候群,进而影响正常的生活。
VDT (virtual device on tcp) 基于tcp通信的虚拟设备工具集-CSDN …
2022年10月25日 · 提出了一种基于瞳孔直径的视频显示终端(vdt)视觉舒适度评价方法。在3种光环境和5种vdt屏幕亮度下进行眼动实验,采集被试者瞳孔直径数据,并对每种条件下视觉舒适度进行主观评分。采用统计学分析方法,从性别、用眼习惯...
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