Integrated Electronic Control Centre - Wikipedia
The Integrated Electronic Control Centre (IECC) was developed in the late 1980s by the British Rail Research Division for UK-based railway signalling centres, although variations exist …
VDU - VISUAL DISPLAY UNIT Railway Signal Control
2021年4月14日 · VDU is the exact replica of the conventional panel. Hence it can act as an alternative to the control panel operation. VDU consists of a display unit, key board and …
VDU Based Signalling Control System (aka NR/SP/SIG/10067)
2003年8月1日 · This document interprets the top level requirements for a Signaller's control and display system as specified in the appropriate Railway Group Standards, to form a detailed …
CS90 VDU system. Where adequate facilities are provided, the CS90 VDU may be considered as an alternative to the Local Control Panel.
What sort of computer system do Signallers use? - RailUK Forums
2018年11月9日 · Most VDU-based signalling interfaces have “Signal Group Replacement Controls” - generally a button either on-screen or on the desk which replaces all signals to …
Ergonomics at the heart of signalling in new ROCs
The introduction by Network Rail of VDU-based control systems in the new generation ROC (rail operating centre) control rooms, in place of electromechanical signalling control systems, goes …
Introduction The MicroLok II system is a versatile, microprocessor-based logic controller designed specifically for railroad and rail mass transit applications.
Evolution of signalling control - Rail Engineer
2013年5月21日 · With the advent of electronic interlocking and computer display technology, British Rail Research (BRR) developed a Visual Display Unit (VDU) interface with which to …
The size of the VDU panel shall be minimum 42 inches for stations up to 4 lines and shall have 4K resolution. VDU of size 55 inches shall be provided for stations having more than 4 lines/ …
LS - Open Rail Data Wiki
2016年4月23日 · From Open Rail Data Wiki. LS - Liverpool Street (Liverpool Street IECC A) Map of the area. File:Liverpool St IECC A S-Class Data.pdf.gz; This file is the External …