毛子迷彩图鉴【欢迎补充】_美军战士吧 ... - 百度贴吧
EMR (Edinaya maskirovochnaya rascvetka) 迷彩,2008年研发用于代替VSR and Flora 迷彩,也被称作 Tetris迷彩 或者 数码 flora迷彩,数种不同的花色,最常见的花色 是leto (summer),另外还有sever (northern regions), zima (winter)和gorod (urban)等
【图片】【翻译贴】俄军武装力量以及强力部门使用迷彩简介_俄军 …
vsr迷彩是一种由三种颜色的垂直排列的不规则色块组成,在浅色区域上呈两种深色。 与苏联时期的TTsKO三色“林地”图案一样,VSR的颜色变化数量非常高。
有没有哪位大佬介绍下现役俄军军服? - 知乎
2022年1月跑到哈萨克斯坦的vdv着装倒是挺统一的: 近期俄罗斯空降兵接装了新的野外 作战服 (ВКПО 3.0),采用改进过的材料制成,这套作战服已经经过实战以及各种天气环境的实验:
2017年7月29日 · 穿着vsr棉服的勇士特种部队狙击手. 穿着vsr的空降兵在讯问俘虏. 1995年之前的vsr 色块偏红底色由于生产厂家不同呈现黄绿墨绿不等而等到1995年之后的vsr 黄色块红色块显著减少变得以绿色为主. 2000年左右的海军步兵. 穿着vsr的陆军士兵
[深度细评] 【评测慢慢撸】“罗刹老七”1/6DAM俄罗斯VDV空降部队 …
2016年3月22日 · Flora堪称一代经典,几乎装备了俄罗斯所有的步兵单位。2008年,俄军也开始搞起了数码迷彩,推出了一种叫做EMR的迷彩(也叫通用迷彩)来取代VSR和Flora,也就是我们所说的数码Flora,数码Flora大概于2011年开始装备俄军 棉帽子也是俄军一大标志物品, 对比一下实物
天上繁星知多少——苏联/俄罗斯迷彩图鉴(1)1979-1991_作战服 …
2019年8月16日 · vsr迷彩最早的实验版本出现在1990年, 伴随91实验条例小规模发放。 其真正兴盛是在第一次车臣战争期间。 此处发几张苏联时期的vsr照片。
90年-2000年初期俄联邦武装的一些携行具(二) - 哔哩哔哩
HEBA的VDV味道很重,材料比较老是干草黄或者说偏黄色的帆布料,HEBA和RD54一样必须配合腰带使用,攻击包的连接扣与RE54一样,弹药包的扣子则和BVD背心一样是纽扣但增加了魔术贴。 有抱怨说扣字太小不方便。 配置 双联30、45发弹匣包x4,至少左侧有小口袋可以插信号弹或者X刺 7联装雷榴两用包X2(可卸),每个可装2雷5榴 攻击包一个(可卸) 有一些TTSKO或横纹迷彩的改进版,有资料说还有VSR迷彩的。 不过都不常见,可能是商业版或者定制的. 科索沃以 …
俄罗斯联邦武装部队现役迷彩服 - 哔哩哔哩
Partizan-M是一种双面迷彩服,它融合了春季的色调(近似于二战德军迷彩的色调),秋季的色调更具包容性。 上图:自2005年以来,一些伞兵部队(VDV)以及联邦安全局部队一直在使用德国设计的斑点迷彩。 该迷彩在当地被称为Flectar。 在黄褐色的背景上有黑色、深绿色、灰橄榄色和赤褐色斑点。 据推测,该迷彩与市面上的一些版本以及德国原版非常相似。 上图:这种迷彩被称为Излом或izlom(意思是“裂缝”fracture、fissure), 据说早在1997年就已经开发出来,但直 …
小绿人EMR造型攻略,现代俄军造型杂谈(3):携行具 - 哔哩哔哩
VSR 93 - Equipment Wiki
The VSR 93 camouflage was a camouflauge originally developed in the late 1980s in the soviet union and entered service in 1991 to units such as the VDV and by 1994 was issued universally. It was issued in m88 but also other cuts of uniform and webbing gear.[1]
TTsKO | Camouflage Wiki | Fandom
TTsKO (Short for tryokhtsvetnaya kamuflirovannaya odezdha) (Three Colour Camouflage) or Butan, or Dubok (in Ukraine), or VSR-84 was used mainly by VDV and Naval Infantry units. Modern day Ukraine still uses a modernized variation of TTsKO for their armed forces.
Russia - Camopedia
2025年3月10日 · This design, the 1990 3-TsV or simply VSR pattern did not enter widespread service until 1994, but it did become the first camouflage design to be universally issued to Russian military personnel. The pattern was also adopted by a number of ex-Soviet republics, including Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Kazakhstan.
Russian Airborne Forces - Wikipedia
The Russian Airborne Forces (Russian: Воздушно-десантные войска России, ВДВ, romanized: Vozdushno-desantnye voyska Rossii, VDV) is the airborne separate combat arm of the Russian Armed Forces.
Winter suit Flora "VSR 98" VDV - Russian-Army-Goods.com
Winter suit Flora "VSR 98" VDV. Collar - faux fur. Removable insulation. The suit consists of both jacket and trousers. It has a removable A type insulation made of batting. A type suit jacket lined, with a central inner side fastener on six buttons, G through top loop. Shelf and back of the jacket with a windproof strip.
Russian Army BDU VSR-98 Flora - DeviantArt
2019年11月12日 · The Camouflage was introduced in 1998, along with a new Battle Dress Uniform for the Army, coded VSR-98. VSR-98 shares the similarity of a VSR-93 Barvikha uniform, with minor changes. Such as, VSR-98's trouser pockets could vary in two, Afganka standard pockets and a Slashed pocket.
The Russian Army VSR Camouflage Types and Delevelopment
2021年1月16日 · The various types of Russian camouflage patterns that followed VSR patterns include: Flora pattern. It was introduced around 1998 and had a horizontal alignment. It's derived from the dubok (little oak), and the patterns seem to be larger than those of VSR-93.
Flora Camouflage - Kula Tactical
The VSR-98 “Flora” camouflage, often simply called “Flora,” is a traditional camouflage pattern used extensively by Russian military forces since the late 1990s. Featuring a combination of green, brown, and small amounts of black, the pattern is designed to blend into temperate woodland and forested environments.
Can anyone tell me what uniform/chest rig this is? Thanks.
2020年12月16日 · Most likely not VDV cut, but rather a standard m88 style cut. The vast majority of VSR uniforms were made in that manner. As to the coloration, while I can’t say anything for certain without seeing the tags, it may be a later version, made after the First Chechen War.
Sword of the Motherland Historical Foundation
The M-1985 TTsKO uniform was introduced in the early eighties, an action that was made official by the Uniform Regulations of 1985. The uniform was used by the VDV and selected army units after the fall of the Soviet Union until its was eventually replaced by …
Russian camouflage uniforms - Trident Military
Russian VSR pattern camouflage winter sets type 2. Officers model with fluffy fur collar and built in holster. Lined jacket has 2 upper chest pockets,2 lower pockets, 2 sleeve pockets,1 internal pocket.Jacket also has concealable : hood which tucks neatly into the jacket behind the collar. Pants have 2 front slant pockets,2 cargo pockets.
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