Soviet Airborne Forces - Wikipedia
The Soviet Airborne Forces or VDV (from Vozdushno- desantnye voyska SSSR, Russian: Воздушно-десантные войска СССР, ВДВ; Air-landing Forces) was a separate troops branch of the Soviet Armed Forces.
俄羅斯空降軍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
俄罗斯空降軍(俄语: Возду́шно-деса́нтные войска́ ,羅馬化: Vozdushno-desantnye voyska 、縮寫:ВДВ,羅馬化:VDV)是俄罗斯联邦武装力量中一个和陆海空三军并列的独立军种,執行空降作戰,直接受空降軍司令官指挥,由數個空降師、旅組成,是 ...
Russian Airborne Forces - Wikipedia
The Russian Airborne Forces (Russian: Воздушно-десантные войска России, ВДВ, romanized: Vozdushno- desantnye voyska Rossii, VDV) is the airborne separate combat arm of the Russian Armed Forces.
106th Guards Airborne Division - Wikipedia
The 106th Guards Tula Red Banner Order of Kutuzov Airborne Division (Russian: 106-я гвардейская воздушно-десантная Тульская Краснознамённая ордена Кутузова дивизия; MUN 55599), more generally referred to as the Tula …
俄罗斯空降军 - 百度百科
俄罗斯空降军(俄语:Воздушно-десантные войска России,俄文缩写ВДВ России)是俄罗斯联邦武装力量中的一个和陆海空三军并列的独立兵种,执行空降作战,直接受空降军司令官指挥,由数个空降师、旅组成,是俄罗斯联邦武装力量的重要战略组成部分。 其前身是苏联空降军,在冷战时代拥有高达十万兵员的惊人规模。 现任空降军司令是安德烈依·谢尔久科夫上将,他于2016年10月6日正式接替萨马诺夫上将任空降兵司令员。 俄罗斯空降军的兵员的特征是身穿和 …
Airborne Assault Troops [VDV] - Early History - GlobalSecurity.org
On August 2, 1930 during the exercise of the Air Force (AiF) of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh for the first time a small unit of 12 people was parachuted for the first time to...
Airborne Assault Troops [VDV] - History - GlobalSecurity.org
2024年8月30日 · By end of the First World War, Germans and Frenchmen delivered saboteurs through the front line on the airplanes. These were the first combat landings. But two or three people participated in them,...
During the Soviet–Afghan War (December 1979–February 1989), the VDV became the key assault force of the Soviet Army (Sovetskaya Armiya), proving to be among the most formidable of the Mujahideen’s opponents.
Airborne Assault Troops [VDV] - History - GlobalSecurity.org
2024年8月30日 · In the inventory of the VDV there were appeared tracked combat vehicles (BMD-1), landed self-propelled gun mounts (ASU-57 and SU-85), 85mm and 122mm guns, rocket launchers and other weapons.
Soviet Airborne (VDV) WW2 Organization - General Staff
According to the above source, in early 1941, the early VDV Brigades were being formed into Airborne corps by the new Directorate for Airborne Forces (U-VDV), and they would have been organized as such: III Airborne Corps (Kiev Military District) 3 x Airborne Brigades. IV Airborne Corps (Belorussian Military District) 3 x Airborne Brigades