Fighting ROP With Anti-VEGF Therapy - American Academy of Ophthalmology
2019年3月1日 · Anti-VEGF therapy in eyes with zone 1 (the most posterior) ROP has a potential advantage over laser photocoagulation: the possibility that it can nondestructively enable healthy intraretinal blood vessels to mature and extend a bit across …
Role of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Anti-VEGF) in the ...
Most recently, anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) drugs have emerged as a favorable treatment option for zone-I and II ROP. This article reviews the current approaches for ROP treatment in India with a particular focus on anti-VEGF drugs.
Current ROP Therapies: How Laser and Anti-VEGF Compare
2014年2月1日 · Randomizing infants to receive either retinal laser or intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy, the BEAT-ROP (Bevacizumab Eliminates the Angiogenic Threat of Retinopathy of Prematurity) study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found a lower rate of recurrent neovascularization for zone I ROP in patients receiving Avastin compared with ...
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Eye Disease - PMC
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a dimeric glycoprotein of approximately 40 kDa, is a potent, endothelial cell mitogen that stimulates proliferation, migration and tube formation leading to angiogenic growth of new blood vessels.
In this article we discuss the growing problem of ROP worldwide, treatments for severe ROP including standard of care laser treatment, and the need for new treatments. We will also discuss the reasons to consider inhibiting the VEGF signaling pathway in severe ROP and the concerns about broad VEGF inhibition.
Anti-VEGF for ROP and Pediatric Retinal Diseases
In retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), the role of VEGF in pathogenesis has been well recognized and the use of anti-VEGF treatment in phase 2 ROP has demonstrated promising results, particularly in severe cases of posterior disease.
An Update on Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment …
2023年12月21日 · Results: Considering the current evidence, anti-VEGF agents are superior to laser therapy for the initial treatment of type 1 ROP in zone 1 or posterior zone 2. However, there is a substantial risk of reactivation or persistent avascular retina after solo treatment with anti-VEGFs, and many cases may require laser therapy within the following ...
2025年2月25日 · 目的 探讨视网膜激光光凝术联合抗血管内皮生长因子(vegf)药物治疗早产儿视网膜病变(rop)的疗效及安全性,并观察对视功能发育、房水生长因子的影响.方法 回顾性分析 2022 年 3 月至 2024 年 3 月河南省南阳市中心医院收治的 68 例rop患儿的临床资料,按治疗方案不同分为观察组与对照组,各 34 例.对照组 ...
SAFER-ROP: Updated Protocol for Anti-VEGF Injections for …
2020年7月2日 · The increasing frequency of intravitreal anti-VEGF use for the treatment of type 1 ROP following the publication of the BEAT-ROP6 and RAINBOW trials3 necessitates a practical protocol for both...
The role of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor in ... - Nature
2022年1月11日 · Intravitreal anti-VEGF showed better ocular efficacy in zone I ROP while laser therapy had a lower recurrence rate in zone II. Comparing the two mainstay...