VESDA LaserPlus Aspirating Smoke Detector (VLP) - Xtralis
The VESDA VLP/VLC detectors paved the way for aspirating smoke detection to evolve from a niche technology to a mainstay of the fire prevention industry. The VESDA-E range of detectors sets a new benchmark in the life safety industry; providing superior detection performance; greater tolerance to nuisance alarms, lifetime stability in a wide range.
VESDA VLP Detector | Smoke Detectors | Sensors | Smoke …
VESDA VLP Detectors are classed as a “Very Early Warning Smoke Detector”, which means that it detects fire at the earliest possible stage and reliably measures very low to extremely high concentrations of smoke. The VESDA VLP detector is the central element of …
VESDA吸气式感烟火灾探测器 - 探测报警设备及消防子系统 - 智能 …
vesda一直是世界公认的吸气式感烟火灾探测知名品牌。 VESDA产品的高灵敏度范围和多级别报警,在火灾发生前即便少量的烟雾也能探测到,争取了控制火灾的事件。
The Xtralis VESDA VLP detector is the central element of the Xtralis VESDA ASD product range. Using unique detection principles, the VLP has an alarm sensitivity range of 0.0015%–6.25% obscuration/ft (0.005%–20% obscuration/m). The VLP is …
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VESDA VLP - Xtralis
The VESDA VLP detector is the central element of the VESDA ASD product range. Using unique detection principles, the VLP has an alarm sensitivity range of 0.005%– 20% obscuration/m (0.0015%–6.25% obscuration/ft).
Xtralis VESDA 威士达极早期吸气式烟雾探测报警系统_百度百科
VLP探测器是Xtralis VESDA系列产品中的核心产品。 像所有Xtralis VESDA产品一样,VLP探测器可以在火灾的极早期阶段进行探测,对极低的和极高的烟雾浓度都可提供可靠的测量。
VESDA探测器及设备通过VESDAnet进行通讯,这是艾克利斯公司(Xtralis Pty Ltd)的容错通讯协议。 VESDAnet回路 可以在设备间提供全双工通讯网络,即使单点发生接线故障,也可以使网络继续正常运行。
vlp 探测器属于“极早期烟雾 探测报警设备”,它可以在火灾的极早期阶段进行探测,从微量烟雾到极高浓度的烟雾, 它都能够提供可靠的探测。 它是如何工作的呢? 认证及列入名录 高效吸气泵采集空气样品,通过空气采样管网传送至vlp 探测器。每个进气管都 ...
The LaserPLUS detector (Model VLP-series) is the most essential device in defining the smoke range for the VESDA application. Each LaserPLUS (Siemens Model-series) device detects fire at the earliest possible stage, and reliably measures exceedingly low / high concentrations of smoke.
VESDA VLI detector, with its ruggedized enclosure and patented long-life, fail-safe intelligent filter technology, is specifically designed for industrial applications with harsh and difficult environments.