VESDAnet Interface Card - Xtralis
The VESDAnet Interface Card (VN Card) is a simple interface card for the range of VESDA VLF by Xtralis aspirating smoke detectors. The VN Card provides seamless VESDAnet communication from the detector to other VESDAnet devices, including configuration and monitoring tools.
View and Download Xtralis VESDAnet product manual online. interface card. VESDAnet recording equipment pdf manual download. Also for: Vn.
VESDAnet Interface Card | Honeywell
The VESDAnet Interface Card (VN Card) is a simple interface card for the range of VESDA VLF by Xtralis aspirating smoke detectors. The VN Card provides seamless VESDAnet communication from the detector to other VESDAnet devices, including configuration and monitoring tools.
VESDAnet is a fault-tolerant proprietary VESDA communications protocol. VESDAnet allows the VESDA range of smoke detectors, displays, programmers and remote units to communicate with each other on one network. Why Connect to VESDAnet? Installing a VESDAnet Interface Card into a VLF detector and connecting to a VESDAnet offers many benefits,
The VESDAnet socket is a 15-pin female connector which enables the VESDA hand-held LCD Programmer and HLI to be connected to a VESDAnet network for configuration, control and monitoring. A VESDAnet socket is also located on the termination card of …
The VESDAnetTM Interface Card (VN Card) is a simple interface card for the range of VESDA LaserFOCUSTM (VLF) smoke detectors. The VN Card provides seamless VESDAnet communication from the detector to other. What is VESDAnet? VESDAnet is a fault-tolerant proprietary VESDA communications protocol.
VRT-300 VESDAnet Socket 威士达Vesda-当宁消防网!
VESDAnet is a fault-tolerant proprietary Xtralis VESDA communications protocol. VESDAnet allows the Xtralis VESDA range of smoke detectors, displays, programmers and remote units to communicate with each other on one network.
VESDAnet Socket | Network Cards & Modules | Networking
The Xtralis VESDAnet Socket is a VSR spare module for VESDA sub racks. The VESDA Sub Rack can be configured in thousands of different ways. The modules will be assembled in the configuration you specify, from left to right.
什么是VESDAnet? VESDAnet是VESDA所属的容错通讯协议。VESDAnet使VESDA 系列烟雾探测器、显示器、编程器以及远程设备之间可以在一个 网络上进行通讯。 为什么要连接VESDAnet? 在VLF探测器上安装VESDAnet网卡并与VESDAnet相连接能提供诸多便利,包括:
VESDAnet is a fault tolerant data communication network between VESDA devices. VESDAnet cables are terminated at the VESDAnet A and B Terminals on the VESDAnet Interface Card. Communications from another VESDA device is brought into the VESDAnet Interface Card at one terminal and looped out to another device on VESDAnet from the other terminal.