VEX 123 - VEX Robotics
Learners use VEXcode with Drag & Drop blocks to code the 123 robot. Available for tablets, Chromebooks, Mac and Windows. Powered by Scratch 3. From floor to table, set up the 123 field in any area for maximum engagement and controlled play spaces. Which 123 is right for you? For 12, 24 or 36 students. 123 Robots, Coders and cards.
VEXcode 123
VEXcode 123 is an interactive, programmable robot that brings STEM, Computer Science, and Computational Thinking to life for young students.
VEX 123 Kits - VEX Robotics
VEX 123 is an interactive, programmable robot that takes STEM, Computer Science and Computational Thinking off of the screen and brings them to life for Pre-K through 3rd grade students.
VEX 123 Classroom Bundles
VEX 123 is an interactive, programmable robot that takes Computer Science and Computational Thinking off of the screen and brings them to life for Pre-K through 3rd Grade students.
VEX 123
VEX 123 机器人无需电脑即可编程。 使用编码器和编程指令卡,脱离屏幕,学习真正的编程。 图形化编程. VEXcode 123 支持平板、Chromebooks、Mac 及Windows 设备上使用。 使你轻松解锁 VEX 123 机器人的全部潜能。 VEX 123 机器人和编码器组合装. VEX 123 课堂组合装. Copyright©2015-2025 创首科技(深圳)有限公司版权所有 粤ICP备14061265号 所有涉及的产品名称、徽标和品牌均为其所有者之财产。 本网站使用的所有公司、产品和服务名称仅供识别 …
VEX 123, VEX IQ 免费课程资源,一览无遗 – VEX学苑
2023年4月11日 · 教师能够一览 123 与 iq 所有课程的 课次、名称、课程描述、知识点、信息技术对标, 明晰每节课的教学目的、要求及范围,
VEX 123 – VEX 机器人
VEX 123 机器人无需电脑即可编程。 使用编码器和编程指令卡,脱离屏幕,学习真正的编程。 了解更多. VEXcode 123 支持平板、Chromebooks、Mac 及Windows 设备上使用。 使你轻松解锁 VEX 123 机器人的全部潜能。 了解更多. 自由组合的123机器人场地空间. 您可在任何区域自由构建123场地,随心打造编程空间。 适用于12、24或36名学生。 123机器人、编码器和编程卡,场地… 免费课程资源和丰富的知识库。
123 – VEX Library
A Guide to Types of Curriculum for VEX 123; Implementing VEX 123 STEM Labs; Introduction to VEX 123 STEM Labs; Teacher Resources in 123 STEM Labs; Using the Pacing Guide in VEX 123 STEM Labs; See all articles under the In the Classroom section. More Ways to Teach; Using the Coder as a Teaching Tool; Using VEX 123 Activities in the Classroom
VEX 123 STEM Labs
Access ongoing professional development to support you as you teach with VEX 123. Timely and targeted PD through videos, lessons, community conversations, and more!
VEX 123 - Hour of Code - Activities - VEX Robotics
Choose an Activity for VEX 123. Each Activity offers step by step instruction for novice coders, as well as ways to extend the activity to meet more experienced coders’ needs. Read the Teacher’s Guide to quickly plan for the activity.