Inshore Trawl - VFA
2025年3月17日 · VFA. 中文 Tiếng Việt. Search Search
Vessel Monitoring Systems - VFA
2024年8月2日 · Fishers can use devices that are currently authorised by AFMA for operating in Commonwealth fisheries if they are already installed on the vessel operating in the Rock Lobster, Giant Crab, Scallop (Ocean) or Trawl (Inshore) fisheries. The VFA has provisionally authorised the following VMS units:
AFMA is responsible for managing all trawl fishing for finfish in Victorian coastal waters, while the VFA is responsible for managing trawl fishing for bay bugs, eastern king prawns, sand crabs and school prawns. Responsibility for managing the take of a particular type of fish can differ between trawling and other fishing methods.
Semi pelagic trawldoors for bottom fishing by Thyborøn Trawldoor
Our wide range of semi pelagic trawl doors for all kinds of trawl fishing such as trawling on the bottom with single rig, twin rig, multi-rig systems and pelagic fishing. Some also uses the semi-pelagic doors for “flying off” the bottom.
Type 21 VFA “Flipper” semi-pelagic trawldoors - Thyborøn …
The Type 14 VF/TYPE 21 design is the most sold semi-pelagic trawl door in the history of Thyboron Trawldoor. The TYPE 21VF is an all-around high aspect design that is used in both bottom trawling and pelagic trawling.
Type21 VFA Flipper Standard / Light - Hampidjan New Zealand
The type 21-VFA “Flipper” semipelagic trawldoor is built for bottom fishing on soft, sandy grounds and for Pelagic fishing. They are all built with bolted on wearknives and / or flat wide mudshoe. This door is one of the most efficient semipelagic trawl doors in the world.
Type 14 VFA Standard / Light - Hampidjan New Zealand
The Type 14 VFA standard semi pelagic trawl door is an all-round high aspect trawldoor, used for many different kinds of fishing setups such as bottom fishing and pelagic fishing.
Type 04 Standard / Light - Hampidjan New Zealand
The type 2 is used on vessels using up to 12 trawls with 3 sets of Trawl doors. The type 4 standard bottom doors are made in all sizes and weights. It is often built according to special customer requests in a light version and a heavy duty version.
Offshore Constitutional Settlement - VFA
1997年10月31日 · Arrangement between the Commonwealth and State of Victoria in relation to the trawl fishery to be managed under state law in waters relevant to Victoria. An ARRANGEMENT entered into between the Commonwealth of Australia (the Commonwealth) of the one part and the State of Victoria (the State) of the other part. WHEREAS-
Putting potential environmental risk of Australia's trawl fisheries in ...
2016年6月30日 · Australian fisheries, including trawl fisheries, need to ensure they met legislative requirements to ensure they have no unacceptable impacts on ecosystems. Linked to this need, the annual Status of Australian Fish Stocks (SAFS) reports are intended to include broader environmental reporting including indicators such as the “habitat footprint ...