DFID's approach to value for money (VfM) - GOV.UK
2011年7月1日 · This document focuses on VfM of our Programme spend and does not deal with issues of Value for Money in our operating costs.
DFID’s Approach to Value for Money (VfM) | Better Evaluation
This guide from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) sets out the principles that are used to ensure value for money in DFID development programmes. The paper outlines clear messages about achieving value for money in order to maximise the impact of programmes on beneficiaries lives.
This paper outlines the principles and process that DFID uses to embed Value for Money (VfM) considerations within its rapid onset and protracted humanitarian programming. It draws from...
Results: DFID’s 3Es framework shows that the Value for Money agenda is not just about cutting costs. What we’re directly buying with taxpayer money (outputs) and what this transforms into at...
VfM in DFID means that we maximise the impact of each pound spent to improve poor peoples lives The key principles for understanding VFM Maximising VFM means maximising our impact, given our resources. To do this we must: - Work to understand and increase the benefits of our actions to poor people’s lives, and their sustainability.
This report presents summary findings from the Value for Money (VFM) analysis conducted for six DFID-funded programmes between September 2013 and April 2015. Based on these findings, the report formulates insights on how VFM analysis can be used to improve WASH programming.
Is DFID’s approach to value for money appropriate to the needs of the UK aid programme? The broad principles for how UK government departments should ensure value for money are set out in HM...
What do we mean by VfM? Value for Money in DFID’s programme spend is about: “Maximising the impact of each pound spent to improve the lives of the poor” Make sure every penny counts…
DFID’s Approach to Value for Money – Guidance for external …
sets out what DFID means by VfM in the different areas of our work. describes some key principles for understanding VfM in any context. outlines some common VfM misconceptions. discusses how to develop suitable VfM metrics. outlines some …
DFID’s approach to Value for Money (VfM) - BEAM Exchange
An overview of DFID's overarching value for money principles, how they ensure these principles in their aid programmes, and what it means to programme staff. Value for Money (VfM) is about maximising the impact of each pound spent to improve poor people’s lives.