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VG List
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vglist helps you track your entire video game library across every store and platform.
Linux VG卷组(创建、激活、查看、扩容、减小及删除)详解 - C …
通过使用 vgchange 命令,我们可以激活 scvg 卷组。 查看卷组的命令同样有两个: vgscan 命令 主要用于查看系统中是否有卷组;而 vgdisplay 命令 则用于查看卷组的详细状态。 命令如 …
A video game library tracking web app built in Rails and ... - GitHub
This is a Rails application for tracking your video game library. If you just want to use the site, visit vglist.co! See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information on contributing to the project. vglist's …
Linux 物理卷(PV)、逻辑卷(LV)、卷组(VG)管理 - gegeman - 博客园
2020年5月13日 · 逻辑卷是使用逻辑卷组管理 (Logic Volume Manager)创建出来的设备,如果要了解逻辑卷,那么首先需要了解逻辑卷管理中的一些概念。 物理卷(Physical Volume,PV): …
About - vglist
vglist helps you track your entire video game library across every store and platform. Most of the data in the database comes from Wikidata, a sister project of Wikipedia. Thanks to them for …
Games - vglist
All games available on vglist.
Dear Days 2 Decks - VG-Paradox
Cardfight Vanguard Dear Days Decklists, Tournament info, Player Rankings, Legacy Formats, and more!
VG-Paradox - Cardfight Vanguard Tournaments, Decks, Data
Cardfight Vanguard Decklists, Tournament info, Player Rankings, Legacy Formats, and more!