Plug and play interface blocks for signal, coax, high current, pneumatic controls, and more; Stable proven products with 25 years in service; Best cost of ownership; Fast delivery next day on key products! Compatible to currently available test instrumentation and platforms; There are a number of different block types: Coax up to 26 GHz; Power ...
The VGR/VGFCB-xxCPF series of blocks address the pre-alignment of blocks and contacts prior to full engagement. Floating blocks employ an alignment mechanism as well as using a free floating design on the receiver side to complete alignment of …
VG Receivers - CPG
From Bench Top test applications to complete rack and stack solutions, the VG Series receivers offer the most reliable and economical test based mass interconnect in the world. Bench Top and 19 inch Rack Mountable Receivers are available 12 or 24 Block Configurations.
170F-H is a universal high-density contact block suitable for analog and digital applications alike. For applications such as twisted pair that may require shielding or ground planes on the connector blocks, the VGRCB-40AF (40 Active Lines) and
VG-Receiver - uwe electronic
uwe electronic offers a wide variety of VG-Receiver for 4, 12 or 24 VG-Interface-Blocks. From bench-top test applications to complete rack and stack solutions, we provide a reliable and economical test based mass interconnect. The VGR4 accommodates up to 4 VG receiver blocks. The unit is exclusively configured for small bench-top test requirements.
The 85H/85F-H fixture side contacts use a standard VGFCB-170 contact block for all contact configurations. The VGRCB-170 is a universal highdensity contact block suitable for analog - and digital applications alike .
Coax contacts are provided for signals up to 500Mhz and power signals up to 30 Amps / 250 VAC. Proper alignment is ensured by two precision alignment pins per block. Two shoulder mounting screws per VGR block allow the block to float in the receiver. Contacts, blocks and cables sold separately. VGRXT B32503.
When using the VGMXT extraction tool, first remove the Lexan cover from the VGF contact block. The VGRCB-39CPS provides 19 contacts for mini-coax, mini-power or a combination of both contact styles. Mini-coax contacts are provided for signals up to 1 Ghz; mini-power signals up to 50 Amps / 250VAC.
Plug and play interface blocks for signal, coax, high current, pneumatic controls, and more; Stable proven products with 25 years in service; Best cost of ownership; Fast delivery – next day on key products! Compatible to currently available test instrumentation and platforms; There are a number of different block types: Coax ...
block suitable for analog and digital applications alike. For applications such as twisted pair that may require shielding or ground planes on the connector blocks, the VGRCB-40AF (40 Active Lines) and VGRCB-110-IDCF (110 Active Lines) use the VGRCB-170 as a foundation, adding the respective ground planes (below) to the