抗体库的基础——聊聊免疫球蛋白基因及重排 - 知乎
抗体的(可变区) V区 的氨基酸序列具有独特性,不同的抗体之间彼此不同,恒定区(C区)的氨基酸序列在同一类免疫球蛋白的L链间或H链间相对保守。 这种既具有共享氨基酸序列,又具有独特的氨基酸序列的多肽合成机制靠的就是 DNA重排,即任何Ig轻链或重链的V区和C区均由不同的基因片段所编码。 这些基因片段在胚胎细胞中的定位相隔较远,而在承担抗体合成的细胞,如B细胞中却连接在一起。 这样,Ig基因在B细胞的个体发育中经历了DNA的重排。 一、免疫球蛋白 …
纳米抗体VHH与单链抗体scFv的综合比较 | 纳米抗体系列分享( …
VH segments - MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
The repertoire of human germline VH segments reveals about fifty groups of VH segments with different hypervariable loops. J. Mol. Biol., 227, 776-798. 35. van Es, J. H., Heutink, M., Aanstoot, H. & Logtenberg, T. (1992). Sequence analysis of members of the human Ig VH4 gene family derived from a single VH locus. J. Immunol., 149, 492-497.
用于构建双特异及多特异抗体的CrossMAb技术 - 搜狐
2016年9月22日 · 通过对曲妥珠单抗 (PDB:1N8Z)的VH、VL (kappa)、CH1、CL (Kappa)以及Lamda Fab (PDB: 7FAB )的VL (Lamda)、CL (Lamda)等晶体结构的分析总结,发现3个可变区功能域和3个恒定区功能域独立行使功能,依赖于邻近肘部的空间结构上匹配的β-片层叠加区域。 图4:携带CH1-CL的CrossMAbs的设计方案. 在CrossMAb技术的基础上,进一步发展出一些不同于CrossMAb的抗体工程技术用以产生双特异抗体,如DVD-IgG和 CODV-Ig技术等,形成双体、 …
Many variable region genes are utilized in the antibody
1991年9月1日 · We have examined how many different H chain variable (VH) and kappa-chain variable (Vk) germ-line genes are used in the antibody response to the influenza virus A/PR/8/34 hemagglutinin (PR8 HA), and have assessed how the expression of individual VH and/or Vk genes contributes to the generation of sp …
Human immunoglobulin VH and VK repertoire revealed by in situ ...
We report in this paper the first analysis of the expression pattern of Ig VH and VK families in human adult normal peripheral B lymphocytes, by in situ hybridization using specific VH1 to VH6 and VK1 to VK4 probes, which cover the known human V gene families reported to date.
Human immunoglobulin VH and VK repertoire revealed by in situ ...
1990年9月1日 · In this paper, we have defined the normal VH and VK family usage in human normal blood mono- nuclear cells, by in situ hybridization, thus providing a reference basis for the follow up of the acquisition of the Ig repertoire in physiological (ontogeny) and pathologic (reconstitution of the immune system in bone marrow grafted patients) situations.
Primary structure and functional expression of heavy- and ... - PubMed
The immunoglobulin heavy- and light-chain variable region (VH and VK) genes were isolated from 8E5 hybridoma cells, which secreted monoclonal antibody against human fibrin by RT-PCR. An expression vector pOPE51-8E5 was constructed for the recombinant VH-VK scFv expression.
HuCAL 全人源全合成抗体库技术 - GHI - 硕博园 - Powered by Discuz!
2021年5月19日 · 通过聚类分析Kabat和Genbank数据库中的675个VH,386个VK,149个VL已知的抗体序列。 在比较抗体胚系基因家族结构、序列和使用频率的基础上,构建HuCAL库最终选定了7个重链可变区框架和7个轻链可变区框架,覆盖了人类抗体多样性的95%左右。
Production of individualized V gene databases reveals high …
2016年12月20日 · Validated immunoglobulin variable (V) gene databases are close to completion only for human and mouse. We present a novel computational approach, IgDiscover, that identifies germline V genes from...