Exploring the VHDL Model of the 74381 ALU Chip - Medium
2023年11月21日 · By studying the VHDL model of the 74381 ALU, students and enthusiasts gain practical insights into the inner workings of ALUs and the broader field of digital design. The VHDL model of the...
7400 series library in VHDL - DP - Dangerous Prototypes
List of 7400 series digital logic integrated circuits. The SN7400 series originated with TTL integrated circuits made by Texas Instruments. Because of the popularity of these parts, they were second-sourced by other manufacturers who kept the 7400 sequence number as an aid to identification of compatible parts.
重温FPGA设计之74381 ALU设计 verilog实现 - CSDN博客
2019年12月11日 · 本文介绍了一种基于fpga和vhdl实现的32位alu的设计方案,该方案利用层次化设计方法,设计了包括算术运算(加、减、乘、除)、逻辑运算(与、或、非等)、移位运算(逻辑移位、算术移位)在内的20种运算功能的alu。
please help for ic 74381 in vhdl | Forum for Electronics
2016年11月5日 · If you want it as VHDL you can use eg. Altera Quartus and add in a 74381 and see how it made. On the other hand if you need to do calculation there are plenty on VHDL arithmetic functions in most FPGA dev tools and also plenty around on the web.
49. DICA:: ALU (74381, 74382) 07.01.2021 - YouTube
2020年8月21日 · 3/4 ECE:: FIRST SEMESTER (2020-21)subject: Digital IC Applications (R16 31043)Topic: UNIT-4:: ALU (74381, 74382)VHDL implementation of Arithmetic logic unit...
VHDL code of 74381 ALU functionality - YouTube
2018年5月2日 · Analog electronics, Amplifier, Feedback amplifiers, Topology, VLSI Design, VHDL.
VHDL code for Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) - FPGA4student.com
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is one of the most important digital logic components in CPUs. It normally executes logic and arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. In this VHDL project, an ALU is designed and implemented in VHDL. VHDL code for the ALU is fully presented.
Help me debug a VHDL code for 74381 | Forum for Electronics
2004年4月24日 · I am starting with learning VHDL in my free time. As an exercise I try to create VHDL code for 74381 serie but I have problems with summation of vectors, can anyone debug and help me further with this small exercise?
芯片74381ALU功能描述 - CSDN博客
2021年5月22日 · 这篇博客详细介绍了如何使用Verilog语言新建并编写74381ALU(算术逻辑单元)的代码模块。 在代码中,博主展示了如何根据输入信号S、A和B执行不同的逻辑运算,包括加减、异或、与、或等,并提供了仿真路径设置和波形导出的步骤。 此外,还提供了一个视频链接辅助理解。 1.新建文件夹命名alu. endmodule. 3.点击运行按钮,开始运行检查错. 4.全部正确后,改变仿真途径为 modelsim 开始进行联合仿真. 5.改变波长数值导出结果. 6.视频链 …
:: VHDL .EU - We make embedded systems work: Basic VHDL Code for 74381 …
2007年2月11日 · Massive listing of VHDL code used in FPGA's of the different FPGA manufacturers. (Xilinx, Actel , Altera,...). You can also download VHDL code of softcores on this blog.