The Association Between Very Premature Infant Body …
The skin temperature of a VLBW infant is an adequate proxy for body temperature with secure and appropriate temperature probe placement (Dollberg et al., 2000; Okken & Koch, 2012). Incubator temperatures were also measured by a thermistor positioned inside the incubator.
Elimination of Admission Hypothermia in Preterm Very Low …
Our primary goal was to prevent hypothermia in newborn VLBW infants by preventing excessive heat loss in the delivery room. Our target admission temperature was an axillary skin temperature between 36°C and 37°C. We achieved this goal by standardizing delivery room management and NICU admission processes for all VLBW infants. Methods
Body temperature instability and respiratory morbidity in the very …
Very low birth weight (VLBW) infant thermal instability upon neonatal intensive care unit admission has been associated with respiratory morbidity; however, the association between ongoing thermal instability and respiratory morbidity remains ...
Improving Thermal Support in Very and Extremely Low Birth Weight ... - LWW
The primary outcome measure was the incidence of hypothermia (temperature < 36.5°C) upon admission in transported VLBW/ELBW neonates. We assessed this measurement by an axillary temperature taken by the transport team at the time of patient handoff before transfer of the patient from the transport incubator to a radiant warmer or incubator in ...
VLBW Protocol for Transport: Step#1 Thermoregulation
2019年8月1日 · Mechanisms: During transport, temperature monitoring is accomplished by skin probes, rectal or axillary thermometers, or via esophageal probes. Maintaining normothermia is vital. We designed a transport protocol evaluating the most accurate,...
At birth, the VLBW infant emerges from a warm, fluid environment and is thrust into a cold, abrasive environment before the protective layers of the epidermis have developed. Within minutes of birth, the core temperature begins to fall, particularly in infants whose birth weights are less than 1500 g. Hypothermia is
Thermoregulation in very low-birth-weight infants during the …
At birth, the VLBW infant emerges from a warm, fluid environment and is thrust into a cold, abrasive environment before the protective layers of the epidermis have developed. Within minutes of birth, the core temperature begins to fall, particularly in infants whose birth weights are less than 1500 g.
Body temperatures of very low birth weight infants on admission …
Our objective was to examine the distribution of admission temperatures of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants, the effect of gestational age on admission temperatures, and the time required for correction of low temperatures.
The Association Between Very Premature Infant Body …
Our results found an association between VLBW infant thermal instability and respiratory support type, respiratory care, and care events. Larger studies with advanced longitudinal analysis are needed to assess the causal impact of these interventions on …
Body Temperatures of Very Low Birth Weight Infants on …
Admission axillary temperatures were retrieved from the medical records for all VLBW infants born in our hospital during a 5-year period. The temperatures were classified as severe (<35.0°C), moderate (35.0–35.9°C), or mild (36.0–36.4°C) hypothermia, normothermia (36.5–37.4°C), or hyperthermia (≥37.5°C).