VMGR-234 - Wikipedia
Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 234 (VMGR-234) is a reserve United States Marine Corps KC-130J squadron. They are a part of Marine Aircraft Group 41 (MAG-41), 4th Marine Aircraft Wing (4th MAW) and provide both fixed-wing and rotary-wing aerial refueling capabilities to support Marine Forces Reserve air operations in addition to ...
VMGR-234 Ranger Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron
In 2021, VMGR-234 deployed aircraft to Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti, Africa as part of the North African Response Force and Combined Joint Task Force - Horn of Africa. VMGR-234 personnel conducted 11 airlifts, evacuating 838 personnel and 102 tons of cargo from Afghanistan during the 2021 Kabul airlift. source: wikipedia : patches + more
Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron-234 [VMGR-234]
VMGR-234 is the vanguard USMC squadron to establish a Marine presence at the newly reactivated Fort Worth airfield. By October 1995, the Marines of VMGR-234 reached another milestone,...
2022 Texas Rangers - northernskies
2022年5月1日 · As one of two reserve Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadrons within the United States Marine Corps, the VMGR-234 “RANGERS” are dedicated in the execution of the same precise tactical level objectives as their active component counterparts.
USMC, VMA 234 conducts flight operations - YouTube
VMA-231 deployed to NAF El Centro to conduct unit-level training and support Marine ground units during Service Level Training Exercise 1-25, a series of exercises designed to prepare Marines...
VMA-231 - Wikipedia
Marine Attack Squadron 231 (VMA-231) is a United States Marine Corps fixed wing attack squadron that consists of AV-8B Harrier jets. The squadron, known as the "Ace of Spades", is based at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point , North Carolina and fall under the command of Marine Aircraft Group 14 (MAG-14) and the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd ...
報道部 - Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni-Japanese
海兵第231攻撃中隊が11月22日、部隊交代計画に基づき母基地であるノースカロライナ州チェリーポイント基地より岩国に到着した。 同中隊、通称「スペードのエース」指揮官はマイケル・クイント中佐。 部隊はおよそ160人の海兵隊員とAV-8B型ハリアー攻撃機6機で構成されている。 VMA-231 arrives at MCAS Iwakuni. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION...
Marines 234 - wings-aviation.ch
Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 234 "Bears","Thundering Herd", "Rangers"....
The “Thundering Herd” received its current squadron designation, Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 234 (VMGR-234), on 23 Oct 1983. In Dec 1986, VMGR-234 became the first Marine squadron to land an aircraft on an ice runway, …
Marine Attack Squadron 234 (VMA-234) - Marine Unit Directory
Find Marine Attack Squadron 234 (VMA-234) unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator.