VMEbus - Wikipedia
VMEbus (Versa Module Eurocard [1] bus) is a computer bus standard physically based on Eurocard sizes.
VMEbus protocol • Some designers make mistakes and their VMEbus cards do not work at all or fail in combination with certain other cards • Debugging VMEbus traffic by S/W (printf(), gdb, etc.) is difficult or even impossible • A great help for fixing such problems are VMEbus analyzers
M. Joos – Introduction to VMEbus 4 Why VMEbus? • (Complex) DAQ systems usually require custom built electronics modules which have to be: – Housed – Powered – Configured – Read out • VMEbus has traditionally been the technology of choice in many HEP experiments and accelerator control systems because it offers features such as:
VME - 百度百科
VME(VersaModule Eurocard)总线是一种通用的 计算机 总线,结合了Motorola公司Versa总线的电气标准和在 欧洲 建立的Eurocard标准的机械形状因子,是一种开放式架构。 VME定义了一个在紧密 耦合 (closely coupled)硬件构架中可进行互连数据处理、数据存储和连接外围控制器件的系统。 经过多年的改造升级,VME系统已经发展的非常完善,围绕其开发的产品遍及了工业控制、军用系统、航空航天、交通运输和医疗等领域。 VME的数据传输机制是异步的,有多个 总线周 …
VMEbus标准指的是什么 - CSDN博客
2024年4月9日 · VPX(VMEbus Pinout eXtension)是一种先进的模块化嵌入式计算平台,主要应用于军事、航空航天以及工业自动化等领域。 它基于VME总线 标准 ,但提供了更高的带宽、更低的延迟以及更好的扩展性。
What is VME bus? VME bus Architecture? VME Card Dimensions, …
VMEbus is short for VersaModular Eurocard bus, and thus from the name, is a bus system (or a computer path system) for industrial applications such as VME power supplies, embedded single board computers (SBC), actuators automation, etc. It was originally developed by Motorola technical employees in Germany (yr. 1980) and soon after, also ...
1014-1987 - IEEE Standard for a Versatile Backplane Bus: VMEbus
This IEEE 1014 standard specifies a high-performance backplane bus for use in microcomputer systems that employ single or multiple microprocessors. It is based on the VMEbus specification, released by the VME Manufacturers' Group in August of 1982.
vme背板 介绍_vmebus-CSDN博客
2024年8月13日 · VMEbus(Versa Module Eurocard bus)是一种广泛应用于工业控制、军事、航空航天以及电信领域的模块化计算机总线标准。VME背板是VME系统的核心组件之一,它不仅提供了物理支持和机械框架,还负责电气连接,使得多个模块能够通过标准化的接口进行通信 …
2024年11月30日 · VMEbus(Versa Module Europa Bus),最初于1980年代开发,是一种广泛使用的开放式计算机总线标准。 它基于6U尺寸的Eurocard机械标准,使用3U和6U两种尺寸的插槽。 VMEbus支持16位和32位数据总线,支持多处理器系统,并且具有可扩展性。 VMEbus的物理层设计支持后向兼容性,允许更高级别的VMEbus规范插件板与早期的系统进行交互。 VMEbus的信号和接口规范包括多种信号线,如数据总线、地址总线、控制总线和中断信号。它定义了多种信 …
What are the general VMEbus features? What is VMEbus used for? What was the 'original' VMEbus standard? What's the difference between VMEbus and VME64? What are the VME64 extensions (VME64x)? What is VME320 (and or the 2eSST protocol)? What software runs on VMEbus computers? How fast is VMEbus? How does it work? What are address modifier codes?